Bambi had an older post about Dr. Patrick Provost. Up until today, he was a Full Professor of Microbiology, Infectious diseases and Immunology at the Faculty of Medicine of the Université Laval. He is an established researcher at the CHU de Québec Research Centre/CHUL Pavilion.
Because he publicly opposed the vaccination of children against COVID in December 2021, he was fired from his academic position, according to the Journal of Québec (https://shorturl.at/gCNO6). Related to the latter, Bambi will repeat her own comments: “Can you imagine the level of censorship in our collectively insane times? A scientist, expert in the field, cannot express a scientific opinion or share any research findings that may challenge an apparently merely politically-driven health narrative… She does not know about you, but she stands with Professor Provost and with his right to academic freedom and freedom of expression! Isn’t Québec’s latest bill precisely meant to protect this right (as previously posted by Bambi)”?
Of note, in cases of censorship, the titles of the Canadian mainstream media articles (such as the one cited above) seem to have the same writing style, which tells us what we should think, as readers. Indeed, whenever a title includes the word “controversial“, Bambi immediately understands the underlying following message: the censored person does not have the right to freedom of expression because he or she is contentious. In other terms, this person deserves the unfair treatment. In addition, readers should not dare to think that there could be some truth in the opinion or statements of the censored person, whether scientific or political, etc.
To conclude this post, it is Bambi’s hope that Dr. Provost’s union who filed a grievance of the administration’s decision will represent him with integrity. She wishes him all the best in his legal fight!