Bravo to Ms. Aline Acaf: she recently displayed her paintings at the Blue Heron Gallery in Lorneville, Nova Scotia, Canada!

Bambi was filled with pride when she learned that her friend Aline Acaf displayed her work at the Blue Heron Art Gallery in Lorneville, Nova Scotia (NS) on Saturday, July 20, 2024. What an achievement, bravo!

Below, you can find a few pictures and a video, which were taken at this open house event. You may also wish to consult earlier posts on Ms. Aline Acaf’s art (re-featured below). This post will end with four songs, meant to be taken together, to celebrate Aline’s artistic milestone.

As you can see with your own eyes, Aline’s paintings are very beautiful. Of note, she discovered her passion during the coronavirus pandemic. Since then, she kept refining her techniques by taking courses with an accomplished senior-level artist and simply letting herself express her soul in her painting.

Of note, Aline’s work is regularly exposed in stores in the Town of Amherst while having clients (and fans!) beyond its borders, including he nearby New Brunswick (e.g., Sackville, Fredericton, etc.) and as far as the Province of Québec (e.g., Montreal).

Aline is not only is a skilled artist. She is also an inspiring human being, a wise and beautiful woman, the spouse of a great yet humble fellow, the mother of three adorable adult children, a talented cook (mmm!), and a devoted volunteer in her community.

Indeed, among several community-related activities in her town of Amherst, Aline is a dedicated volunteer at the Cumberland Regional Health Care Centre where she is involved in different capacities. She had also acted as an interpreter for Syrian newcomers for over two years. She even received a well-deserved award for the excellence of this volunteering service with refugees/immigrants. In addition to her mother tongue, Aline is fluent in several languages. Perhaps most impressively, she excels in the most significant communication tool in the entire world, that is the language of humanity.

For all the reasons mentioned above, Aline makes us ALL proud. In addition to this shared pride, Bambi is blessed because Aline is part of her life as a very precious friend ❤️.

This being said, following the pictures and a brief video of the event, you can find Ms. Aline Acaf’s email address. Please feel free to contact her if you are interested in inquiring about or in purchasing her work. As mentioned above, you do not have to be residing in the Maritimes, or even in Canada, to become one of her clients. It is also good to keep in mind that since she is a still junior-level artist, you can benefit from the reasonable prices of her work despite its outstanding quality.

“Mabrouk” to Aline. Félicitations/Congrats to her! May she keep on mastering the art of embellishing our world!

A picture shared by Ms. Aline Acaf with Bambi on July 22, 2024
A picture shared by Ms. Aline Acaf with Bambi on July 22, 2024
A picture shared by Ms. Aline Acaf with Bambi on July 22, 2024
A video shared by Ms. Aline Acaf with Bambi on July 22, 2024

Earlier post on Aline’s paintings:

Two additional paintings by Aline are shown in this more recent post:

2 thoughts on “Bravo to Ms. Aline Acaf: she recently displayed her paintings at the Blue Heron Gallery in Lorneville, Nova Scotia, Canada!”

    1. Ohhh– Thank you Dearest Aline. Bambi is the lucky/blessed one. She loves you and she is now shouting: Long live our friendship :)! Many thanks for being who you are, for your authenticity as well, and for your loyalty.

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