Ms. Natalie Elgrably: “Bill C-63 will make us all vulnerable” [“La loi C-63 nous rendra tous vulnérables”]

In this post, with the assistance of her online friend Mr. Google Translate, Bambi will quickly translate for you a thoughtful column by Ms. Natalie Elgrably published today in the Journal de Montréal ( about Bill C-63. Indeed, as Ms. Elgrably clearly expressed it, this bill will make us all vulnerable. Thank you for writing about this topic. Food for thought… especially ahead of any federal election in the future.

I have already written about Bill C-63 on “online harm”, tabled by the Trudeau Liberals. This law is currently in second reading and nothing seems to slow down its inevitable march towards adoption.

However, under the guise of wanting to protect children, this bill is nothing less than a crude lure, a real idiot trap to make us accept a bill which assassinates freedom of expression and democracy, and which will create a deleterious social climate.


On the one hand, most of the bill does not target children, but rather “hate propaganda” and actions “motivated by hatred”. However, the vague outline of this definition invites subjective readings, and therefore the instrumentalization of the bill for ideological or political ends.

On the other hand, the bill is retroactive and without time limit. Therefore any content produced before the bill, and still available online, could be subject to prosecution for “hate propaganda”.

Finally, the bill lprovides for the criminalization of words even before they are spoken. Nothing less! In the hell that is being prepared for us, it will be enough for anyone to denounce an individual under the pretext that he could possibly make potentially hateful comments for this individual to be brought to justice.

To make matters worse, if the bill is adopted, it will be applied even before an ombudsman is appointed, which would make any recourse in the event of litigation or abuse practically impossible.


Trudeau is preparing the establishment of a permanent climate of terror which will force self-censorship. Because this bill is not only cancel culture at its peak, it is the criminalization of thought.

This means the death of democracy and the establishment of arbitrariness which will make every Canadian highly vulnerable.

This is the Inquisition, version 2.0.

And there is no point arguing that this law is in the interest of the population. Censorship only benefits the person who establishes it!

2 thoughts on “Ms. Natalie Elgrably: “Bill C-63 will make us all vulnerable” [“La loi C-63 nous rendra tous vulnérables”]”

  1. It seems to me like this is exactly what Canada needs to start confronting the hatred that is rampant in society. What are you afraid of? Let’s take a practical example of Adil Charkaoui which I copy from a news source, below. I remind you videos of the event were published online.
    1) What would be a fair application of the new C-63 law in that case?
    2) What would be an abusive application of the same law?

    On October 28, 2023, during a speech at a pro-Palestine rally in Montreal, Charkaoui denounced “Zionist aggressors” and called on Allah to “kill the enemies of the people of Gaza and to spare none of them.”

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