Orthodox Easter: Bambi wishes her relatives, friends, and readers Paschal wishes of hope and love!

Christ is risen. “El Massih kam”. “Christos Anesti” (= “Χριστός ἀνέστη”)!

In a just a few hours, it will be Sunday. Happy Easter to those of you who happen to be celebrating, including Bambi’s dad et al. in Beirut and abroad.

Happy Birthday to Stéphanie too! Much love to her from her aunt Bambi 🙂 ❤️!

8 thoughts on “Orthodox Easter: Bambi wishes her relatives, friends, and readers Paschal wishes of hope and love!”

  1. 7akam kam
    Happy Easter to you Bambi, to your dear dad and family, and to all celebrating.
    A blessed day!

    1. Truly risen. Many thanks DEAREST Zeina from Bambi et al. Have a good one filled with love (like what you spread) and joy.

  2. This reminds me of Greek Easter in the little village where I grew up in Tsomedey. “Kalo Pascha (Καλό Πάσχα!)” if my Greek is not too rusty, to all who celebrate.

    1. Ohhh— Bambi is so happy [and honoured :)] by your comment. May you have a superb year Stéphanie. El Massih kam/ Happy Easter to you too 😊❤️🌷🐣!

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