Bente: Thank you for sharing the Netherlands’ stunning skies!

Nature is magical in Holland, isn’t it?

Bente, “Dank u well” for sharing the stunning skies of the Netherlands.

To thank you, and honour your beautiful home country, below you can find a few meaningful songs, including the Dutch national anthem with Mr. André Rieu :).

Bambi cherishes the memory of our numerous rides in the car in Atlantic Canada with your singing talent in many languages :). She misses you and loves you a lot. You, along with your awesome family, are Bambi’s and her spouse’s greatest blessing in life ❤️.

A picture taken by Bente in the Netherlands.

2 thoughts on “Bente: Thank you for sharing the Netherlands’ stunning skies!”

  1. So beautiful [Bambi]! Thanks.. I find those sky scenes here in Sackville make me stop in my tracks and look on in awe some evenings as I’m doing dishes gazing out the window.

    Check out this website:

    Let me know your thoughts. Have been trying to raise awareness locally on this topic… not too many people seem to be talking about it yet. Biodigital Convergence.

    James at Barely Bruised Books in Ottawa has been helping to raise awareness in Canada.. he’s on Twitter.

    1. Bambi thanks you Sally. She is happy you enjoyed Bente’s picture and agrees with you about the sky scenes here in Sackville. Breathtaking, to say the least, and bravo for doing the dishes :). Will check the website, thanks for sharing it.

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