From Canada to Lebanon: A song for Ramez’ family with love

May your memory be eternal Ramez…

It was quite shocking to learn that Ramez (or Abou Mark) is in heaven now. Just like his family, Ramez was the sweetness in itself, regardless of the hat or role (e.g., husband, dad, son, brother, uncle, relative, friend, citizen, etc.).

This morning, Bambi thought that she was calling Ramez’ family to offer support across the frustrating miles. It was rather them, including his adorable and heartbroken mom Najla with his sisters Zeina and Rima, who had delicate words for her despite their shock. Same for his beloved nephew Karim.Through this post, Bambi sends her continuous solidarity, heart, and prayers to all, especially to Ramez’ immediate family (spouse and kids). She had wished she could quickly jump out of Sackville to give everyone a hug.

Bearing the above in mind, if she may, she will now offer Ramez’ family two songs, one from France and the other from Lebanon. The first melody is by the talented Grégoire and Mr. Google Translate helped her in translating it, at the end of this post ( As for the second song, Bambi discovered it about six months ago when her dear friend Greta kindly sent it to her following her mom’s death. It is by Fairouz and it is entitled “Oumenou” [I believe]. It is about believing in the healing potential of one’s aching heart with the following milestones of a grief journey: the soothing impact of the passing time, a sense of spiritual hope that can come from inner faith, the comforting trust in shared humanity, and the tenderness received from caring people.

May Ramez’ soul rest in peace. May his memory be eternal. Last but not least, may God know how to comfort all his loved ones, in Lebanon as well as abroad.

“You know I’m having trouble
Still talking about you
It seems to be normal
There are no rules in these games
You know my voice is tight
When I see you in the photos
You know my heart is lost
I think he thinks of you a little too much

It’s like that
It’s like that

I wish I could hold your hand a little longer
I wish my sorrow only lasted a moment
And you know, I hope at least you hear me

It’s hard to break the silence
Even in the screams, even in the party
It’s hard to fight absence
Because this bitch does as she pleases
And no one can understand
We each have our own story
I was told to wait
Let the pain become trivial

It’s like that
It’s like that

I wish I could hold your hand a little longer
I wish I could hold your hand a little longer

I wanted to tell you that I was proud
To have been at least one day
A little like your friend and your brother
Even if life has these detours
It’s like that
It’s like that

I wish I could hold your hand a little longer
I wish I could hold your hand a little longer
I wish my sorrow only lasted a moment
And you know, I hope at least you’re waiting for me.”

4 thoughts on “From Canada to Lebanon: A song for Ramez’ family with love”

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