Singing Mr. Georges Moustaki’s song while appreciating friends’ stunning pictures of sunsets in Atlantic Canada

Is there anything more magical than sunrises and sunsets in New Brunswick (NB) and Nova Scotia (NS)? In this brief post, Bambi will share a picture taken by Brittany near Shediac, NB. Second, she will share five pictures taken by Diana in NS, namely in Springhill and Malagash. As for the song, which Bambi selected to pay tribute to the beauty of the Maritime provinces, it is Moustaki’s “Il y avait un jardin” [There Was a Garden], which is subtitled in English for your convenience. Long live the beauty of nature around us! Long live our talented and generous friends!

A picture taken by Brittany near Shediac, NB, Canada.
A picture taken by Diana in Springhill,NS, Canada.
A picture taken by Diana in Malagash, NS, Canada.
A picture taken by Diana in Malagash, NS, Canada.
A picture taken by Diana in Malagash,NS, Canada.
A picture taken by Diana in Malagash, NS, Canada.

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