If posts could be written with silence and tears, this is how the current one would have been expressed.
If solidarity with Mary and with Rana, Dima, Jad, and Jeff (as well as with Khaled/Amale et al. and all your loved ones in Lebanon, Canada, and the USA) could be fortified with “dam el kaleb” [the heart’s blood in Arabic], Bambi would have bled just to show them increased care, along with her shared grief.
If prayers could be expressed with silent tears only, this is how Bambi’s prayer for Mounir would have looked like. Indeed, this is how it was yesterday night when she lit a candle for him after she received the tragic news. She could neither speak, nor sing. Only tears, broken by moments of silence, formed her so-called prayer. The first word she heard herself whispering was: “thank you, Mounir“.
Yes, thanks Mounir for having been part of her and Louis’ lives, for having touched them and inspired them in so many ways, which remain hard to put into words. What a sweet, generous, loving, accomplished, smart (i.e., intelligence of the heart and mind!) and cute friend you have been to all of us. What an inspiring dad and what a loving spouse. Above all, what a courageous man!
Bambi remains speechless since yesterday evening. She still cannot fully grasp yet how you are in heaven from now on, after she had the privilege and honour to see, hug, and kiss you. It was just a few days ago. It feels like yesterday. Despite her concern back then, when she saw you while in Beirut, she did not know that it would be for the last time. Life can be too brutal at times, as it has been on yourself and on your family.
Prior to this last and less joyful visit, Bambi had wonderful memories with you in Moncton and Sackville during older and more recent visits, including the latest in 2023. As per an earlier post shared further below, from July 2022, she keeps vivid memories of your lovely balcony, which oversees Lamartine’s valley in Lebanon (thanks Doudou and Roula for the lift). You, Mary, and her talked and laughed together. Of course, you mentioned Louis and how much you loved him (and he loves you a lot!). Bambi also knows how much you cared for her as well. The last time she saw you, she expressed her love to you.
One of the most unforgettable moments of care you showed to Bambi and her family was when Mary (who was grieving her own mom!) and yourself came to the funeral of her mother. It is hard to believe that this occurred less than five months ago. You supported Bambi’s dad. You were present for the entire family, not just her. Once again, you spoke highly of Louis, your good Canadian friend. Your caring words for him will always resonate in Bambi’s mind. Those words also touched her nephew Michael who had just said good-bye to Louis in Athens at the end of his wedding. Those beautiful words are echoing in Bambi’s mind right now, as she is writing this post. Yes, she can hear your unique voice, expressing them, while imagining your lovely baby face.
Of note, your baby face had been a mirror of your beautiful soul. Indeed, you had been a sunshine of open-mindedness, love, friendship, vivid intelligence and a sharp critical sense (much needed in today’s world). As for us, we have been honoured to be called friends by you and to have you as our friend.
Of course, It is hard to say good-bye to dear friends, even if we know that they are in a better place, without aches or worries. Resting with the eternal love of God, you will be watching over your lovely family from out of heaven. As for Bambi, all what she wants is to cherish your memory until her last own breath. She also sends Mary et al. her continuous love, hoping this tribute to Mounir will pay justice to his high calibre. God knows how much she would have loved to honour him in person and be with you, especially tomorrow.
To come back to you Mounir, please forgive Bambi because she is likely being clumsy with words. She will just thank you again while promising to be the best friend she can be to your LOVELY Mary and your adorable children (her friends too). May God know how to comfort their hearts, especially tomorrow.
May your memory be eternal, dearest friend of both Canada and Lebanon. Fly and rest in peace. You may be dead now, even if part of Bambi is still in denial. Yet you will forever live through your families’ values and multiple talents. The most meaningful of the latter being the talent of humanity and friendship. We are family, not just chums. Trust that you will remain alive in our hearts… until we bump into you again following our own mortality. Until then, we have lots of shared memories to cherish. Count on us for that!


May his soul Rest In Peace .
I just can’t believe that he’s gone. Mounir was someone who was exceptionally alive – alive with life, with stories, with everything!
Every one of his visits was a treat.
Many many memories, even in the short time that he was here.
My very deep condolences to everyone on this major loss.
Habibi Mounir!