Today is January 7th. Some Christians celebrate Christmas. May they have a Merry one. Yet some other Christians, like Orthodox Armenians, celebrated yesterday. Bambi is thinking of all them, especially her friend Diana. You will see why in the following paragraphs.
The above being said, Bambi is blessed to have wonderful friends. When she left Canada two weeks ago, to visit her dad et al. in Lebanon, two sweet friends (Jane/spouse) drove her to the airport.
When she left Beirut, Bambi said good-bye to couple of friends. Hala was one of them. The latter took yet another breathtaking picture of the sunset from her balcony in Kfar Hbab in Lebanon. She shared it with Bambi, kindly thinking of Claire in Montreal (Louis’ aunt) who appreciates beauty. Bambi asked if she could also share it with you all, as she has done in a recent post shown further below. Hala’s generosity goes hand in hand with her modesty. Indeed, when Bambi congratulated her about her talent in photography. He reply was: “I just like to capture beauty“.
The other friend, from both Canada and Lebanon, drove MILES to Beirut just to see her (despite the volatile situation there). Bambi and her had not seen each other for 7-8 years. Thanks again Majida and nice to meet your lovely cousin Fatmeh. Seeing you again, after all this time, was like a rainbow of warmth to the heart and joy to the soul.
To come back to Diana now, the latter took time off her Christmas long day/night to kindly give her a lift from the airport back home. Thanks to her and to Louis.
Of note, the friends’ generosity is not over yet. Just while writing these words, she and Louis received wonderful Christmas’ surprises from friends, like family, from New Zealand. Her heart is filled with love and gratitude now (bless you, Alastair and Fiona, et al.). Minutes earlier, she spent wonderful time chatting with her beloved friend Alexis. Thanks again for the call.
To conclude this post, long live friendship. Long live Canada, New Zealand, and Lebanon’s eternal beauty, which remains shining even without its sovereignty. May love and beauty replace the vicious cycle of revenge and the ugliness of war. May the light prevail on Lebanon, its sad neighbourhood, and on the entire world.


Very beautiful and breathtaking shot. This our beautiful country 🙏🙏