Picture of the day: a wish for “Hope” on a Christmas tree in Beirut

A picture of a Christmas tree in Beirut. Taken from An Nahar Lebanese newspaper.

The last time Bambi passed by this place in Beirut was on August 30, 2023. Thanks to Abouna [or Father] Elias who kindly drove her in his car, which followed the funeral hearse taking her mom in a coffin to her resting place. It was like a last tour of final good-bye for her in the familiar streets of her beloved city before reaching her final destination.

Today, Bambi saw the picture shown above in a Lebanese newspaper. The same place now has a beautiful Christmas tree. A few people gathered to see it light up (https://shorturl.at/aKLU4). Bambi was touched to read the word “HOPE” on the tree in a country where the latter is much needed. May hope for better days at all levels (economy, security, tolerance, peace, health, etc.) shine on Lebanon, its neighbourhood, and on all our beautiful planet. May love, and hope of more love, along with healing and peace, enlighten people’s hearts while opening their minds.

6 thoughts on “Picture of the day: a wish for “Hope” on a Christmas tree in Beirut”

  1. Hope for peace have carried us through civil war and so many other wars for the past 45 years. We are still hanging on to the word HOPE hoping it will become a reality one day to have an everlasting peace in our beloved country Lebanon and throughout the troubled world 🙏🙏

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