Saskatchewan is one of the Prairie provinces of Canada. It is one of the two provinces, which Bambi has never visited yet. It is surely on her to-do dream list.
Thankfully, without having to fly right now (she is too busy!), this dream flew to her today, thanks to Gina’s lens and generosity. Indeed, Gina’s four stunning pictures that you can appreciate below, were all taken in Big Quill Lake in southern Saskatchewan (https://shorturl.at/flBI8).
According to the Canadian Encyclopedia (https://shorturl.at/flBI8), the “Quill Lakes are three connected saline lakes in southeastern Saskatchewan. They are located 150 km north of Regina and 152 km east of Saskatoon. From west to east the lakes are named Big Quill, Middle Quill (also known as Mud Lake) and Little Quill. Despite its name, at 181 km2 Little Quill is the second largest of the three lakes. Big Quill is the largest at 307 km2. The Quill Lakes’ elevation is 516 m“… “The Quill Lakes are what remain of a large glacial lake. This glacial lake formed with the retreat of the continental ice sheet more than 10,000 years ago. The lakes are a hydrologically closed system, fed by numerous small streams, creeks and lakes with no outflow of water. They are shallow and salty. The Quill Lakes are saline due to high evaporation levels that leave the water concentrated in dissolved salts and minerals. Big Quill is Canada’s largest saline lake and Little Quill is the third largest (Old Wives Lake, also in Saskatchewan, is the second largest at 296 km2)“.
This post will end with Mr. Georges Moustaki’s beautiful and highly ecological (or environmental) French old song entitled “Il y avait un jardin“. It is about the beauty of our world, like a garden, which needs to be cherished and maintained.
P.S. # 1: One thing is sure: Canada is breath-taking! According to Gina, the people of this area of our country are all so friendly. Why isn’t Bambi surprised? This is a classical attitude in her welcoming Canada :).
P.S. # 2: A forthcoming post will be devoted to the beautiful sunsets in Florida, USA, thanks to the generosity of another friend and reader, Joëlle. Stay tuned everyone!

Big Quill Lake, Saskatchewan, Canada. A picture taken by Gina.

Big Quill Lake, Saskatchewan, Canada. A picture taken by Gina.

Big Quill Lake, Saskatchewan, Canada. A picture taken by Gina.

These are some beautiful pictures and how amazing the things the clouds can tell us.
Thank you Gina and [Bambi]. 🙂