Some people are naturally talented in spreading joy around them. Clearly, Mr. Patrick Sébastien is one of them. Thanks for the uplifting melodies, happy 70th birthday (https://tinyurl.com/3te7fts5), and all the best to him!
Of note, Mr. Sébastien’ second song, entitled “Comment ça va?”, is making Bambi think of the Shorts, a Dutch band with whom she was in love when she was 11, especially because of their German version of Comment ça va? (mixed with French and English). The Dutch version follows the latter. For fun, the post will end with a 7-year-old video of the same melody (in French and English) by the singer of the Shorts. What a sweet treat for Bambi’s ears and eyes, just before sleep :).
May this brief musical post succeed in putting a smile on your face, regardless of your worries or state of mind. Please remember to take good care.