Les Enfantastiques: “We have a dream!”

Do you share the Fatanstikids’ dream? If not, what is yours?

This musical post aims to share a timely song about the “need to learn to live together”, especially with its chorus that includes lyrics from a famous speech of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Indeed, this song is entitled “We have a dream!”

The featured melody was written as part of an initiative, entitled “Chanson en création” [Song in Creation], by Mr. Nô with the CM1 classes of Ms. Chloé Margnoux and CM2 of Ms. Corinne Pothier from the elementary school of Villereau in France. From the YouTube video shared below, we learn the following additional information: Ms. Virginie Pinsard and Ms. Pascale Breton, pedagogical advisors in musical education, also played a key role in this meaningful project.

Before leaving you with the Enfantastiques [Fantastikids]’ lovely song, Bambi will share its translated lyrics, thanks to her beloved Mr. Google Translate. Have a good one, everyone!

WE HAVE A DREAM – by Les Enfantastiques
Chorus (lyrics from a speech by Martin Luther King, Jr.):
We must learn to live together
Free and equal
Like brothers
Otherwise we will die together
Like idiots

Never again hate
Which brings us so much pain
Let’s destroy the weapons
that make tears flow
Let’s hold hands
And let’s walk united towards tomorrow
Like Martin Luther King
Let’s sing “I HAVE A DREAM”

Chorus :
We must learn to live together
Free and equal
Like brothers
Otherwise we will die together
Like idiots

No matter the flag
No matter the colour of the skin
women and men
All in solidarity
For the same rights
In the ledger of the law
Like Martin Luther King
Let’s sing “WE HAVE A DREAM”.

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