It is SO hard to imagine you dead, Mr. Claude Barzotti, even if life goes by too fast and death is an integral part of it (https://t.ly/AibG). In your case, life has ended too soon. Indeed, you were just 69 years old.
To begin with, and if she may, Bambi will send her heart to your grieving family. What a DEEPLY sad loss for the latter… and for the entire world of music, including your career manager, colleagues, partners, and fans around the world. Condolences to everyone impacted by your death and enriched by your life.
Despite the shared sadness in her heart now, Bambi is reassured because a singer with such a warm voice and a generous provider of emotions, like you, is surely eternal in the collective memory of life’s beauty. The man dies, but not the artist. Indeed, your singing voice will forever echo in our ears, moving our hearts and souls.
Mr. Barzotti, thank you for having honoured our large and beautiful country with a lovely song (shared below). As per your own words, you had the blues for Canada, which you actually visited several times over your career. Of note, Bambi and her sisters took their mom (or was it the other way around :)?) to your concerts several time when they were living in Montreal in the 1990s. Merci encore!
Furthermore, you visited Bambi’s birth country, Lebanon, many times as well (https://t.ly/4PKR). Like in Québec/Canada, Lebanese fans adore you. How could they not to? You even wrote a song for Lebanese women entitled Ma Libanaise (also shared below, with English sub-titles)?
This being said, perhaps your most famous song ever is Le Rital? A melody, which moved the hearts of all your fans in Europe, and around the world (especially in North America), because it is about your deep attachment to your Italian roots (as a Belgian singer; https://shorturl.at/pzDFQ).
For those who regularly read this blog and/or listen to its music, they may perhaps recall that Bambi has featured your songs within more recent posts. Among your musical legacy, there are two songs, which remain fresh in Bambi’s memory. One of them is about a break-up and it is Je ne t’écrirai plus [I won’t write to you anymore]. The other song is about a lady you often think of, Mr. Barzotti. Bambi’s spouse has often heard her singing this melody (with her frog’s voice, of course). It is entitled Souvent je pense à vous Madame [I often think of you, Madam]. Since he did not know you as well as she did, almost every time, he asked the same amusing question: “C’est qui cette Madame, Bambi” [Who is this lady, Bambi]?
To conclude your little yet heartfelt tribute, Bambi will end her post with Mr. Andrea Bocelli’s Amazing Grace prayer. MANY thanks for having loved the French language with such passion, Mr. Claude Barzotti. Indeed, you have enriched the francophonie with your unique songs. May your memory be eternal and may God comfort your loved ones, especially your daughters, Vanessa and Sarah et al. Same for your manager, Mr. Roger Comtat (https://t.ly/KTZ0R). You will be missed greatly by your human and deer fans alike, even if your songs will outlive us all ❤️.