Bambi is honoured to be one of the scholars on the advisory Committee of the Aristotle Foundation for Public Policy, “a new think tank that aims to renew a civil, common-sense approach to public discourse and public policy in Canada” (https://shorturl.at/dvG49).
The vision of the Aristotle Foundation for Public Policy is as follows: ” A Canada where the sacrifices and successes of past generations are cherished and built upon; where citizens value each other for their character and merit; and where open inquiry and free expression are prized as the best path to a flourishing future for all” (https://shorturl.at/dvG49).
To learn more about this highly promising think tank, you may wish to read the beautiful message of hope of its President, Dr. Mark Milke, with whom Bambi has been honoured to work over the past few months (https://shorturl.at/dvG49).
If you are interested, you may wish to watch these very informative and interesting videos on why this tank think (Dr. Milke) and why a Calgary Entrepreneur (Mr. Chuma Chukwulozie) is supporting it!
This being said, today is a big day in the short, yet very productive, life of the Aristotle Foundation for Public Policy. How could it not be when its firs book, edited by Dr. Milke, has just gone live on Amazon paperback, Kindle e-book, and as a Kobo e-book (https://shorturl.at/eqtCT)!
Bambi invites you to purchase this great book (only CAD $25) and to encourage your friends and acquaintances to do the same, if you like it. Any constructive commentary is welcome on Amazon too.
To encourage you to learn more about this much needed book, Bambi will share excerpts and videos. First, some excerpts can be found in this link (https://shorturl.at/kzIV7) and four of them below, including excerpts from Bambi’s chapter along with those from a Law Professor she is fond of, Dr. Bruce Pardy (she never imagined being an author in the same book as him!). Last but not least, you can find four 2-minute-videos by four book authors, including Bambi.
To conclude, long live the Aristotle Foundation of Canada! Bravo for the new book whose message is about openness, intellectual diversity, and even love for our beautiful Canada. To those of you who are sick and tired of censorship and bullying, like Bambi, this book is for you. Let’s all promote it!

Congratulations, Dr. [Bambi], on your contribution to this new book. I am so happy, and I have excitedly bought a copy of the book to enjoy.
My sincerest wishes,
Zeina Barakat Diab
What an HONOUR for Bambi. Many thanks for having bought a copy of the book, Zeina (Barakat Diab) and for your positive comment on this blog!
Calgary just got their Churchill statue thanks to the efforts of Milke [as you may know], and as Halifax already has a Churchill statue I am, being born in England, thoroughly amused on this effort because growing up my father would tell me how his grandfather thought Churchill was awful from the point of view of a soldier.. and yet we are a nation selectively celebrate certain people – like George Stanley the maple leaf flag designer with two monuments to his name in this small town of Sackville NB – while removing other historical statues including the Cornwallis statue in Halifax … a narrative is being written.. and I suppose it all seems to be so important to the efforts of some in society… but their motives to me are curious.. and well, its
all very confusing what Canada to me at this point really is – but good luck with all the book sales.