Mr. Mike Massy: Is there anything more beautiful than the heart of his voice?

The song feautured in this musical blog is called “Kalby” [My heart in Arabic]

In the beautiful Arabic language, Kalb means heart. So, Kalby is my heart. Watch out, it must be pronounced as a strong K; if not, it would mean “my dog”. There is nothing more lovely than one’s dog, of course However, if you call someone a dog in Arabic, it would be a huge insult. Bambi does not recommend it :).

Of note, the lyrics of this love song are in standard Arabic. They are written by Ms. Ghida el Yaman. The music is composed by Mr. Malek el Yaman. The singer is the most talented Mr. Mike Massy. The pianist, responsible for the orchestration, is Mr. Lucas Sakr. This performance is by the Bucharest Studio Orchestra with Mr. Alexandru Moraru as its Conductor. Bravo to everyone and thank you for this beautiful artistic moment.

If you are interested, you may read the lyrics of this Kalby song in either Arabic or English. The translation was found on YouTube; so no, this time Bambi did not bother her friend, Mr. Google Translate. He deserves a break from her :).

Bless this organ located in the middle of our chests, called heart or Kalb, especially when it is filled with love ❤️!

قلبي يشدو عذب الألحان”

طَلِقٌ، لا تُخْرِسُهُ الأحزان

يُضنيه ليلٌ لا صبح له

لا قمرٌ فيه ولا خلّان

قلبي يشدو عذب الألحان

قلبي يشدو رغم الأحزان

يا شوقاً يسكن في روحي

يَسبيها يُفنيها كَمَا البركان

من أجلك صادقتُ جروحي

و لأجلك نادمْتُ الحرمان

يا ليت العمر يجمعنا

يُنسينا البُعْدَ والهجران

لا دمعُ العينِ نحايله

لا لوم، لا ذنبٌ بل غفران

قلبي يشدو عذب الألحان

طَلِقٌ، لا تُخْرِسُهُ الأحزان

يُضنيه ليلٌ لا صبح له

لا قمرٌ فيه ولا خلّان

قلبي يشدو عذب الألحان

“. قلبي يشدو رغم الأحزان

“My heart sings a sweet melody

Free, unhindered by sorrows

Worn down by an endless night,

With no dawn in sight,

No companions

My heart sings a sweet melody

My heart sings despite its sorrows

Oh, passion dwelling in my soul

Invading it, destroying it

Like a volcano

For you, I befriended my wounds

And for you, I made peace with my misfortunes

Oh, if time would only bring us together

So we could forget our estrangement, our plight

No more tears that we try to hold back

No blame, no guilt, only forgiveness”.

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