Coincidence: long live “Humorous Day” and Mr. Gad El Maleh on his birthday!

A sense of humour gives us perspective

Bambi adores Mr. Gad el Maleh’s sense of humour ( She has three older posts about him, all shown further below. Well, if she may, she will wish him a Happy Birthday now. May he be healthy and happy, along with his loved ones. May he keep entertaining us while making us smile and laugh in both French and English!

Of note, today happens to also be “Humorous Day“. What is the latter? It is a 24-hour time in the year, which is dedicated to gaining perspective from humour in whatever situation we may be facing, no matter how tough. It means trying to look at the bright side of life, even when the latter seems too dark or too unfair. It also seems to mean the following: Finding humour, remembering to smile to life and to others (without forgetting the person we daily see in our mirror), and to at times laughing, instead of crying, to life’s misery (

This being said, Bambi wishes Mr. Gad El Maleh the same joy he spoils his audience with. She also wishes you all a day of (genuine) smiles, fun, and funny moments; all this despite any challenge or deception. May you re-connect with or discover your courage, if your day is difficult. May you give and receive love.

To conclude, humour and music will have the final word: first, Mr. Gad El Maleh’s “Flowers- Women and Flowers” (subtitled in English) as well as “The Cousin” (French) :). Second, the late and great Mr. Jean Lapointe’s “Rire aux larmes” [Laugh to tears]. A quick English translation of this French song’s lyrics follow; thanks to dear Mr. Google Translate.

“It’s easy in full happiness to laugh to tears

laugh to tears, laugh to tears

It is possible in the midst of misfortune to laugh to tears

Being happy is curious, it puts water in your eyes

Happiness makes children and lovers laugh to tears

But the great sadness that we can no longer bear

It doesn’t make you cry anymore, no, it does

laugh to tears, laugh to tears

It happens in full happiness from laughter to tears

laugh to tears, laugh to tears

It happens in the midst of misfortune to laugh to tears

Just tell us when our joys seek to tumble

It’s funny to death someone who falls on the nose

And since anyway we really can’t change anything

Rather than crying it’s better to

laugh to tears, laugh to tears

It’s easy in full happiness to laugh to tears

laugh to tears, laugh to tears

It is possible in the midst of misfortune to laugh to tears

laugh to tears, laugh to tears

It’s easy in full happiness to laugh to tears

laugh to tears, laugh to tears

It is possible in the midst of misfortune to laugh to tears“.

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