Just randomly, before heading to sleep, Bambi came across a grandiose song entitled “Beirut” , which seems to be two-week-old only. Bravo to Ms. Carole Samaha et al.!
Here is the text found on YouTube about this production: “Carole Samaha sings the poet Mahmoud Darwish in the “Golden Album” Vision & concept Album : Carole Samaha Music composer: Dr. Taisser Haddad Music Orchestration: Alexandre Missakian Kiev philharmonic orchestra Mix & Mastering: Jean-Pierre Boutros, Studio Playsound Lebanon. Carole’s vocals recorded at Sot El Hobb Studios – Cairo Recording Engineer: Akram Adel Oriental instruments & chorus recorded at Nota studio – Beirut Sound engineer: Eddy Jazra Artworks & Lyrics Video: H Media Solutions, Ahmed Hashem Video Direction & Animation: Omar Ayman Photo: Juliya Veklich Media consultant & marketing : Elie Abou Najem Outfit: Hass Idriss Hairdresser: Hamo Mohsen“.
Following the song, you can find a quick English translation of the lyrics by the late and great Palestinian poet, Mr. Mahmoud Darwish. Thanks to Mr. Google Translate for his help. The original Standard-Arabic lyrics follow the English words.
May Beirut rise again ❤️… Long live Lebanon and its capital!
“We burned our boats and hung our planets on the walls, O Beirut.
We are standing on the lines of fire, Beirut is an apple and the heart does not laugh.
And our siege is an oasis in a perishing world. We will dance the square and marry the night.
Oh Beirut, oh Beirut.
We will awaken this land that rested on our blood.
We’ll wake her up and extract our victims from her cells.
Arise, go home, our loved ones, go back to the wind that uprooted the south of the land.
From our ribs, go back to the sea, which does not remember the dead or the living.
Come back again.
We did not follow your lead in vain.
Our boats here are on fire“.
أحرقنا مراكبنا وعلقنا كواكبنا على الاسوار يا بيروت”
نحن الواقفين على خطوط النار بيروت تفاحه والقلب لا يضحك
وحصارنا واحه في عالم يهلك سنرقص الساحه و نزوج الليلك
يا بيروت يا بيروت
سنوقظ هذه الارض التي استندت الى دمنا
سنوقظها و نخرج من خلاياها ضحايانا
قوموا ارجعوا للبيت يا أحبابنا عودوا الى الريح التي اقتلعت جنوب الارض
من أضلاعنا عودوا الى البحر الذي لا يذكر الموتى ولا الاحياء
عودوا مرة اخرى
فلم نذهب وراء خطاكم عبثا
. “مراكبنا هنا احترقت