Bambi would like to highlight this day in different ways:
First, she will thank her friend Jeff for sharing a picture of Mr. Gibran Khalil Gibran’s The Prophet… in Irish!

Second, she also would like to thank him for making her discover a beautiful short poem by Mr. Sheridan John Desmond (1903–80), Irish author of many books including “Joe’s no Saint and Other Poems”:
“No tears
Should ever come
To your dear eyes.
They should always be full
Of happiness, and laughter, and surprise
Tears are for tired eyes like mine –
That the world has made sad
Nothing can touch my heart
Or wake my fears
So surely as
Your tears”.
Third, she will pause to recall lovely memories of celebrations of Saint Patrick Day in three different Canadian provinces as well as during a trip to Beirut in which her cousin Rana took her out once at a nice Irish pub.
Last but not least, it is time for music now. First, the much talented Seo Linn singing a unique version of the traditional Irish song “Óró Sé do Bheatha Bhaile“. Second, the Saint Patrick’s Day kids’ song.
Happy Saint Patrick’s Day ?! Bambi is thinking of all her friends (and kids’ friends :), especially of the Patrick, Patrice, and Patricia of this world!