Glenn: Had he been one of “the people” in Mr. Christophe Maé’s song, he would be of the kindest kind

Bambi is still speechless since yesterday evening.

She sends her grieving heart to Glenn’s family, friends, and colleagues.

Perhaps eventually after finding a picture somewhere, she will try to manage to find words to honour Glenn’s memory and to thank him.

For now, Bambi will just tell him that Mr. Maé’s song makes her think of him because he was one of the kindest people she has met.

Indeed, some people are present in our lives for years in a unique way. We learn something from them. We spend precious times with them, whenever life allows it, and they remotely yet socially keep enriching us.

Excluding recent exchanged Christmas postcards, thanks to Louis’ historic annual tradition, the last email Bambi received from Glenn was in March 2021. Honoured by his gift-surprise to her spouse/her (ie., a mailed book), she wrote to thank him. He kindly replied fast. She felt happiness and pride when she noticed his professional signature, at the end of the email, about his new position. Like all of us, his colleagues must be shocked now. Condolences to everyone, especially those who saw him and paid tribute to him last, without knowing that life would be that cruel (Peter).

Regardless of life cruelty, death reminds us that we are all heading there. It is just a question of timing. May Glenn Brown’s memory be eternal and may his family members find the courage to face their shock and long sorrow journey.

Bambi will stop here, ending this post with the song in question. It is in French. For your convenience, an English translation of its beautiful lyrics follows it.

The People (taken from:

There are Travellers

There are people who travel

People who stay

And people passing through

There are people who [glide by/drift] 1

And those at rock bottom

People who sleep

And Jean d’Ormessons

There are winter people

And there are divergents

People who hope

And people from Abidjan

And people of the North, people of the South

Sweet lives

And hard lives

And there are happy people

Sad souls who sleep outside

And there are happy people

And others who handle gold

There are aristocrats

And there are workers

There are kind people, police officers

Junkies and delinquents

People who cry, people who laugh

Teddy Riners and Carla Brunis

There are Jean Valijeans

Who swallow down their sorrow (2)

Yes, people who cause grief

People who love and who come together

Different people who we resemble

And there are happy people

Sad souls who sleep outside

And there are happy people

And others who handle gold

There are night owls

And early birds

People who get bored

Modelling agents

There are people who get on your nerves

And people who [calm them] (3)

People who dream

Of the lives of others

There are fickle people

And there are reliable people

Disappointing people and remarkable people

People of the East

People of the West

People who go

Others who stay

And there are happy people

Sad souls who sleep outside

And there are happy people

And others who handle gold

And disgruntled people, disgraceful people*

Mad people, shopkeepers

There are down-to-earth people, people who are alone

Lucky people and humble people

There are lovers, leaders

People who brave it

And brave people

There are gay people and sergeants

And amongst all that

And amongst all that, us two

And amongst all that, us two

Amongst all that, us two

Amongst all that, us two

And amongst all that, us two“.

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