Bambi would like to take the time to celebrate life today. She will do so in two ways:
To begin with, she wishes Tony a Happy Birthday. She will always remember who taught her to ride a bike. This being said, she also has another more “traumatizing” childhood memory of a linguistic lesson. It is precisely about the awful meaning of the Lebanese expression “I will show you the stars at noon” :). Her great, and highly teasing, teacher was again you, Tony; with the complicity of your sisters. All of you against Bambi :). Anyhow, may you keep having your sense of humour in life and may you have a wonderful new year. Have fun today with you family and all your loved ones!
Last but not least, Bambi, the Sun shown above, and all the stars join forces to happily welcome the cutest, and most beautiful, “Baby Kate” among us and in her home now :)! Bravo to her mom and dad again; congratulations to her aunt, grand-parents, all the relatives on both sides of the family, and their close friends literally around the world. Everyone is likely enjoying the “Meghli” baby desert now. Mmm and, let’s not forget that in few months, time for another desert to celebrate Baby Kate’s first tooth. It is called “Sinayniyeh”!

To end this brief post on a musical note, here are two songs that fit all happy events with two words: “Mabrouk” [Congrats] and “Yalla, Nifrah” [Let’s rejoice]. This will be followed by a Happy Birthday song, especially tailored for you, Tony. Thanks to the anonymous person who shared it on YouTube!

Wishing Tony happiest birthday celebration with the family. Aakbel el miyet sineh with good health and happiness. ????
Hahahaha thank you Bambi.
Good old days and best memories.
Love you ❤️❤️
Bambi is happy this made you laugh :). She loves you too so much, Tony ❤️?!