Happy 2023 to all!

Bambi would like to wish you a wonderful new year filled with whatever your heart wishes.

If she may, she would like to also wish you what she has been blessed with in 2022 (and in life in general): Friendship!

Friendship can take so many forms in life.

First, and to begin with, being the kindest friend we can be with ourselves at all times, from the moments of fun with loved ones, to times of solitude with internal trips as per the earlier post [thanks Roula :)], and to hardship in life.

Second, true friends can become family. Is there anything more meaningful in life than a caring family?

Third, friendship is also about remaining true to ourselves, to our deepest values, and speaking our mind.

Fourth, friendship is also about being/remaining the most genuine “friend” we can be to loved ones; and friendly with those who reach out in times of hardship.

Fifth, being thankful to both our faithful and ALL the new “friends” (some are a true gift of life!).

Last but not least, as a friend to both herself and others, Bambi refuses to lose her humanity in life. It is in this spirit that she wishes everyone a wonderful new year. This includes those who have been friendly as well as those who may have lacked humanity to the point of indulging in lies, defamation, and/or attempt of cancellation. This also includes those who may have lacked the courage to take the time to remain friends, even privately. May everyone’s new year be filled with the beauty of humanity and the true meaning of friendship.

To conclude this post in music, one song comes to Bambi’s mind on new year. It is Ms. Céline Dion’s celebration of friendship (English lyrics copy-pasted from YouTube follow the melody). Our dear Céline is right: “friendship is the most beautiful country” [“L’amitié c’est le plus beau pays“].

Happy 2023, dear friends in humanity ❤️!

Bonne Année 2023 chers amis de l’humanité ❤️! ️

“If it’s a friend

If he’s for you

What you are for him

The one who can love you

Without ever judging you

The one that stays when the others already left you

I say that if it’s a friend

Then you have succeeded in your life

You already found the evening star

And you’re not alone anymore on the road

If it’s a friend

Give your bread and your wine and your life

And do the world all over again

Like have done three hundred times

Don Quixote and his old Sancho Panza

If it’s your friend

Tell him so he’ll sing and sing with him

Friendship is the most beautiful country

If it’s a friend

If he becomes crazy when you do crazy things

If he shows you sometimes he feared for you

If nothing less than the best satisfies him for you

I say that if it’s a friend

Then you succeded in your life

Each one on our side

We’re only thow halves

Together we go over mountains

If it’s a friend

Give your bread and your wine and your life

And do the world all over again like have done three hundred times

Don Quixote and his old Sancho Panza

If it’s your friend

Tell him so he’ll sing and sing with him

Friendship is the most beautiful country

If it’s your friend

If he has your laughing if he has your tears too

If he has the same angers

Fill him when the earth

With its trumpets and its wars goes wrong

I say that if he’s a friend

You can say a huge thank you to life

Because it made of him

A brother you choose

And the companion of luck

If it’s a friend

Give your bread and your wine and your life

And do the world all over again like have done three hundred times

Don Quixote and his old Sancho Panza

If it’s your friend

Tell him so he’ll sing and sing with him

Friendship is the most beautiful country

If it’s a friend

Give your bread and your wine and your life

And do the world all over again like have done three hundred times

Don Quixote and his old Sancho Panza

If it’s your friend

Tell him so he’ll sing and sing with him”.

4 thoughts on “Happy 2023 to all!”

    1. Oh–dearest Fadi, thanks for your kind words about Roula and Bambi. You are a big source of inspiration to Bambi in addition to being a TRUE friend and a brother in humanity. Bambi loves you/your family so much. Take good care, please.

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