Did you know that Mr. Alfred de Musset (https://bit.ly/2MEa67v), the French Romantic poet and dramatist was born on December 11, 1810 in Paris where he died in 1857?
Mr. Alfred de Musset wrote about themes like sorrow, friendship, and of course love. Indeed, one of his famous quotes about love goes likes this (French is followed by English and German):
“La vie est un sommeil, l’amour en est le rêve, et vous aurez vécu, si vous avez aimé”.
“Life is a sleep and love is its dream; and you have lived if you have loved”.
“Das Leben ist Schlaf, dessen Traum die Liebe ist. Du wirst gelebt haben, wenn du geliebt haben wirst”.
To pay tribute to Mr. Musset’s memory and to celebrate romantic love, Bambi will end this brief post with three beautiful French songs (at least according to her :). Only the first one is sub-titled in English. Regardless of your own definition of love, long live the latter in your current daily life or maybe in your dreams… if you are interested ❤️.