Bambi wishes you the following, dearest Robine:
“Sana helwa, mama” ! “Oui, Joyeux Anniversaire, maman d’amour”!
May you have a beautiful day ? !

Bambi's Thoughts
Bambi wishes you the following, dearest Robine:
“Sana helwa, mama” ! “Oui, Joyeux Anniversaire, maman d’amour”!
May you have a beautiful day ? !
كل سنه وانت سالمه رووبين ربنا يعطيك الصحه والعافيه ويسعدك ايامكم انت وانطوان ويفرحكم بالاولاد والأحفاد وسنه حلوة ياجميل
She will be happy to read your beautiful message. Many thanks Fatma! !شكرا