Mr. Azeem’s “Circumstances” [“Zrouf”]: What a beautiful song!

Bambi just discovered a deep and very beautiful Arabic song on her Lebanese-American internet radio station from LA. Bravo to Mr. Azeem for his talent!

From his YouTube page, Bambi learned that Azeem is a songwriter, singer, lyricist, music composer and producer. He also plays the drums, the piano, and the guitar. He was born in Beirut, Lebanon.

Mr. Azeem, Bambi fell in love with your song entitled “Zrouf” [“Circumstances“]. This is why she took the time to translate its lyrics to the readers of her blog who do not understand your mother tongue (and hers).

First, before singing, Mr. Azeem starts with those words of wisdom: “Who among us did not go through circumstances? Some circumstances are beautiful and others ugly. Some circumstances make us laugh a lot and others cry. In the end, we cannot escape circumstances”.

“Circumstances pass by us

Making us fall in love with someone who does not belong to us

Circumstances pass by us

Forcing us to live in stories that do not look like us

Sometimes, out of much sadness, we get attached to any hope

And when our heart is being questioned, it replies: I have circumstances

Sometimes our tears betray us and make us talk

Making the story complex and governed by circumstances  

Circumstances take us out of warmth

To a place full of ice

At other times, circumstances promise us a more beautiful tomorrow

Along with a new hope”.

(With repetition of some paragraphs)

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