Did you know that Canada’s federal “court dismisses air travel vaccine mandate lawsuits as moot ” while its Prime Minister “urges” us “to get” “COVID, flu shots to avoid other health measures”?

Bambi first read Mr. Andrew Lawton’s True North article that informed her about the federal court’s decision on air travel vaccine mandate lawsuits (https://bit.ly/3F6e726). From this article, she learned the following: “On Thursday, Associate Chief Justice Jocelyne Gagné granted the federal government’s application to dismiss the case, 10 days before it was scheduled to be argued before the Federal Court. The court was going to hear challenges filed by several applicants, including former Newfoundland premier Brian Peckford, People’s Party of Canada leader Maxime Bernier, and private citizens who were unable to travel by rail or air when the federal vaccine mandate was in effect”… “The Trudeau government imposed the mandate by order-in-council in October 2021. It suspended the mandate June 20, but made clear it could be reinstated if the Covid situation in Canada changed“. Canada’s attorney general filed a motion to dismiss the case, arguing that it was moot given the vaccine mandate was no longer in effect”.

Following the article above, Bambi came across a CBC article in which Mr. Trudeau seems to scare, or maybe even threaten, us with health measures if we do not “get Covid, flu shots” (https://bit.ly/3Dm2Qt6); at least, the latter is what seems to be implied by this article’s title, even if Mr. Trudeau did not mean it that way.

Anyhow, after reading the articles reported above, Bambi decided that she had enough of news for the day. Music is much more fun, she told herself. Thus, if she may, flu or Covid-19 vaccines, with or without health measures, Bambi would like to offer Mr. Trudeau a song. Today’s melody won’t be “Paroles, Paroles” by Dalida with Mr. Alain Delon :). It will rather be Ms. Chantal Bitar’s love song in confinement. For your convenience, an English translation of the Arabic lyrics follows Ms. Bitar’s charming song (taken from Bambi’s older post shown at the end of this one).

“How are you in your confinement? You are crossing my mind in confinement?

I think of writing to you and then I delete.

How are you to begin with? How are you spending your time? How is the prevention and how is the cleaning? (twice)

How many novels have you read? How many phone calls have you made?

Are you taking good care of yourself? Are you eating healthy?

You are crossing my mind in confinement.

Despite the physical distance, my mind is confined with you.

In these times of science fiction and in this wasted era. Even if the world will fall apart, you will remain here in my heart.

I know you are bored by yourself. For me, please make a sacrifice.

You are crossing my mind in confinement. I think of writing to you and then I delete.

Let me hear your words. Turn off the news. I promise, all this will end. One day will come (twice)

A day where we will dance, hand in hand, and you will carry me far… and your hand on my face will charm me and will awaken my eyes

You are crossing my mind in confinement. I think of writing to you and then I delete.

How are you to begin with. How are you spending your time?

How is the prevention and how is the cleaning? (twice)

How many novels have you read? How many phone calls have you made?

Are you taking good care? Are you eating healthy?

You are crossing my mind in confinement.”

4 thoughts on “Did you know that Canada’s federal “court dismisses air travel vaccine mandate lawsuits as moot ” while its Prime Minister “urges” us “to get” “COVID, flu shots to avoid other health measures”?”

  1. If Trudeau wants the shot he should get the shot as many times as he feels he needs to get the shot.
    Everyone else just do what you feel is right for your body. End of discussion, I hope.
    p.s. Trudeau is not a medical doctor and should never give medical advice to anyone, and that also goes for Dominic Leblanc, Longtime MP of Beausejour and 3 times cancer survivor.

  2. so… if I take my neighbour to court for damaging my house because he put his garden hose through my basement window and flooded it – but he turns off the hose, the case gets thrown out?

    1. Yes, but only if:
      (a) He’s a member of the federal Liberal Party; or
      (b) He’s a federal employee; or
      (c) He self-identifies with “woke” ideology.

      Otherwise, he’s fully responsible for damages, and also gets done for “mischief”.

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