Bambi refuses to go to bed without expressing her FULL support for Judge Tarek Bitar, the Lead Investigator in the surrealistic Beirut port explosion of August 4, 2020.
This judge deserves a Nobel Peace Prize, not political interference… and surely neither lawsuits nor threats!
The latest news in English, thanks to l’Orient Today:
The latest news in French, thanks to L’Orient Le Jour:
To conclude this brief post, one song comes to Bambi’s mind. She has posted it in the past. It is by Mr. Jean-Marie Riachi and it is entitled “Beirut, Oummi” [“Beirut, my mom”]. Its lyrics go like this: “Beirut is my mom, Beirut is my dad, Beirut is my sister, Beirut is my brother, Beirut belongs to me. Give it back to me…!” When will Beirutis finally see justice served? Don’t they deserve the truth? Why can’t they have it like in any other respectable country?