New Brunswick’s citizen enjoys “watching the darkness take over Maisonnette beach”

Bambi loves the amazing pictures, taken tonight by her friend Gina, at the end of Maisonneuve beach in New Brunswick in Atlantic Canada (

Thank you, Gina, for having kindly accepted to share your pictures with the readers of Bambi’s Afkar’s blog.

If she may, Bambi would like to end this brief post by offering you Mr. Enrico Macias’ French song, entitled “Toi la mer immense” [You, Immense Sea]. It is subtitled in both French and English, the two official languages of our beautiful province!

A picture taken by Gina at the end of Maisonneuve beach showing a view of Caraquet in NB.
A picture taken by Gina at the end of Maisonneuve beach.
Gina appreciating the darkness at the end of Maisonneuve beach.
Gina appreciating the darkness at the end of Maisonneuve beach.

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