“Mother tongue”: Thanks to Mr. Jonathan Kay for informing us about the CBC’s latest censored words. If this absurdity is not collective insanity, what is it then?

Our CBC, funded with Canadians’ tax money, does not hesitate one second to publish articles defaming professors to intimidate them. However, it pretends to be too delicate when it comes to using English words or expressions like “a mother tongue“. What is the purpose of this new ban? And when will all this absurdity end?

To conclude this short post on political correctness pushed to absurd levels, Bambi would like to thank Mr. Kay again for his tweet. If she may, she would like to end with Mr. Georges Moustaki’s beautiful song “Ma liberté” sub-titled in English. It will be followed by the wonderful interpretation of this song by Ms. Chimène Badi. She does not know about you, but she cannot listen to this superb French song without thinking of freedom of thought and of expression, not just freedom to be ourselves like in the song.

7 thoughts on ““Mother tongue”: Thanks to Mr. Jonathan Kay for informing us about the CBC’s latest censored words. If this absurdity is not collective insanity, what is it then?”

    1. Thank you Bloo for sharing the link and your insights. Bambi is very curious now. She will read more about it to learn!

    1. Bambi thanks you Fred for bringing back those wonderful and deeply meaningful old memories of your birthday!

      1. Listened to the whole album this evening. It’s still beautiful as ever and though it’s not my mother tongue, I feel it in my blood anyway and it does include the lullaby my dad sang to me when I was a tiny kid. Hopefully the woke won’t see a connection (or intersectionality) between self expression and genetics and become deeply offended. Anyway, let’s all keep our mother tongues; I’m keeping mine. 🙂

  1. Why is this woke garbage funded by my taxes?
    Defund the CBC! There’s a campaign that I’ll happily rally behind!

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