According to l’Orient Le Jour, the 24-year-old aggressor of Mr. Salman Rushdie is of Lebanese origins. How sad (https://www.lorientlejour.com/article/1308442/foie-oeil-bras-salman-rushdie-lourdement-atteint-apres-sa-violente-agression.html). Why would a young man be blinded by his narrow-mindedness to that point?
May God help, Mr. Salman Rushdie and much love to his family. Tragically, and as per his physician as reported by the Lebanese media, he will likely lose an eye, his arm nerves were cut and he was stabbed in his liver. He is now placed on an artificial respirator. All the latter because some do not know how to be tolerant in life. How to ignore a book (or any other text) they do not like. How to accept that not everyone thinks the same about any topic in life, including religion.
Always according to L’Orient Le Jour, one of the main ultra-religious Iranian media wrote: “Let us kiss the hand of the one who tore the neck of the enemy of God with a knife”. After reading the latter, does anyone still think that Islamism is good for Islam and for humanity? Whether Sunni or Shia, whichever its origins, fanaticism is incompatible with both (moderate) Islam and with humanity.
To conclude this post, one song comes to Bambi’s mind…. Yes it is Ms. Nana Mouskouri’s liberty song. She is singing it now and will follow it with a prayer in her heart for Mr. Rushdie.

Anyone want the régime that celebrates this having nuclear weapons?
I certainly don’t.
How long before our wokesters do similar things, I wonder?
Bambi thanks you Louis for your comment. The first part is food for thought for sure.
As for the second part, any form of radicalism or extremism can potentially result in acts of violence, including wokeism, as you wrote, as well as any other ideology ending with “ism” or not.
Didn’t have to wait long for it to inspire wokesters:
to talk. Action is presumably next, one guesses.
Bambi thanks you for sharing, Louis. How sad the intolerance of our world. How unacceptable the threat of violence/violence. Nothing is worth it in life. It is already too short. Aren’t respect, humanity, and love more enriching than walls around our hearts?
You are right Bamby. I share your opinion. The world needs more tolerance and acceptance of the others.
Bambi thanks you, dear Fatma.