They all “did it” in their own “way”… and languages!

Thank you Mr. Frank Sinatra for “My Way” ( What an eternally beautiful song!

If you happen to like this song in its original English version, you may listen to it through this post by different artists, including Mr. Sinatra himself, Mr. Michael Bublé, and Mr. Omar Kamal. The last two versions are dedicated you dear Jacinthe, as you appreciate their voices!

Now, if you happen to know and also like Mr. Michel Sardou’s great French version, entitled “Comme d’abitude [As Usual]”, you will find it below. Bambi will offer it to all the Francophones and Francophiles of the world.

Recently, Bambi discovered a superb Arabic version (Lebanese dialect), thanks to Ms. Aline Lahoud; singing it mainly in her mother tongue, along with the Spanish version at the end. Mind you, she is still unsure to whom to dedicate this one. Maybe to all the readers of this blog who appreciate the beauty of this language?

Finally, Bambi will also share with you two very beautiful versions, one in German (Danke to Ms. Mirelle Mathieu!) and the other in Japanese (Arigato to Mr. Fuse Akira) If she may, Bambi would like to dedicate the first to Fatma, Achim, and Felix (Dr. Baerlocher), if they happen to be reading this post. As for the second song, she will of dedicate it to you Bente ❤️ and Nicolas ❤️!

6 thoughts on “They all “did it” in their own “way”… and languages!”

  1. I love this song. So viel Melancholie und Sehnsucht, but also the glory and joy of finding one’s own unique path. Danke, thank you, merci beaucoup, shukran ?

    1. Oh Bambi is so happy you like it. Bravo for your “Shukran” and “merci beaucoup” :). “Danke” to you, Achim!

  2. Liebe Bambi, herzlichen Dank für die feinen thoughts und Gedanken an uns. Lange her seitdem ich zuletzt Mireille Mathieu und Frank Sinatra gehört habe. Jeder von uns macht es auf seiner Art und das ist das schöne daran. Bleib so und mach weiter auf deiner feinen Art, denn wir lieben Dich so zu sehr.

    1. Oh Danke, liebe Fatma. Also gut gesagt: “Jeder macht es auf seine Weise” [Each of us does it in our own way and that’s the nice thing about it]. Bambi dankt dir für deine Ermutigung. Sie liebt dich/euch auch so sehr ❤️!

  3. Thank you! I know about Mireille Mathieu but wasn’t aware of this song. She also sang several of Edith Piaf’s songs.

    1. You are welcome! Bambi was also surprised to hear her singing this song, even if like you she knows Mireille Mathieu very well.

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