Bambi just came across this cartoon by YGreck, published in the Journal de Québec yesterday, when we learned that a deal between Mr. Singh’s New Democratic Party (NDP) will keep Mr. Trudeau’s Liberals in power until 2025. Yes for that long by providing the Liberals with a majority until then.
Did Canadians vote for such a political marriage? Had they done so, Mr. Trudeau’s government would have not been a minority government twice, not just once (https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/tom-mulcair-trudeau-s-deal-with-ndp-is-quite-the-coup-1.5829729).
The cartoon below show us the love that seems to be uniting the couple Trudeau-Singh. You can see how the Bloc Québécois and the Conservatives are taking a big hit (the two politicians to the right of the picture). We can also see all the money flying in the air: More spending since public money grows not just on trees, but also on wedding cakes too.
Anyhow, this is an interesting cartoon, regardless of our political opinion: whether we are happy for this couple (and us all by extension), worried about the country’s present and future, totally indifferent, convinced that Canada has the best Prime Minister ever, and/or the NDP is shining as an independent political party. Yes, it is healthy to laugh in life… or just to smile, if the heart is not completely there.
As for Bambi, if she may, she would like to offer Mr. Trudeau and Mr. Singh a song by Fairouz. Her way of saying Mabrouk :). It is entitled: “I love you in the winter, I love you in the summer” (sub-tittled in English). May their apparent political harmonious love be contagious. Nevertheless, thank Goodness, unhappy marriages end in life (one day or another). Yes, luckily, human relationships are breakable. We can get into them, but we can also walk out of them… if/as needed in life.