Happy Birthday, Dearest Mona!

Ms. Mona Korban-Smeira!

Like a fawn, the middle-aged Bambi is too excited to know how to wait until tomorrow morning, which is the actual birthday of Ms. Mona Korban Smeira!

In her mind, she is cheating now, pretending to be in Lebanon, the country of origin of her friend Mona. Yes, there, it is already past midnight :)!

There lives one of Mona’s children with his family! Mona and the rest of her beloved family live in Québec, Canada. Whether there, miles away, or here at home [also miles away from Bambi :)], all the relatives, friends, generations of former students of history and geography, everyone loves Mona and wishes her a Happy Birthday today!

Indeed, for those who do not know her, Bambi will simply say that she is a great woman, a devoted mother/spouse/grand-mother, a retired school teacher, a family friend, and… Bambi’s friend!

As a high school teacher, Ms. Mona Korban Smeira taught Bambi how to create a model of the maps of Africa and Turkey, using wood pulp. Bambi’s peers and herself exposed their work at an exhibition, open to the general public, at their school in Beirut. Ms. Smeira also taught Bambi all what she knows about the history of Islam and about the history of the world (again with much creativity in addition to the usual learning process)!

As a family friend and a neighbour, Bambi can maybe write a whole book on our beautiful as well as war-related dramatic memories!

Bambi is blessed to have you in her life, Mona. She is inspired by your faith, inner strength, dignity, love of life, and devotion to your loved ones. Even busy with life challenges and grief, you recently found the time to surprise Bambi with a sweet message of care… Plus, every year, you kindly remember Bambi’s birthday. Wow!

Bambi is eager to see you again (luckily she did so just before the pandemic). She loves you so much, beyond words, you and your wonderful family. Thank you for our wonderful memories together in both Beirut and Montreal!

To conclude this brief post meant as a surprise, here are three songs for you today :). The first is, of course, your birthday song. The second is a celebration of friendship in French as well! The third is meant to make you smile :). It is Ms. Nancy Ajram’s Lebanese-Arabic song entitled “shater shater” [for young school kids :)] and sub-titled in English! It means “clever, clever” [or “good kid, good kid“].

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