Bravo Lebanon: Crowned winner of the 2022 Arab Basketball Championship for the first time ever!

A picture taken from TNG News

The 2022 edition of the Arab Basketball Championship just ended in Dubai and guess which country is the winner!? Yes, it is Lebanon (a first on top of that)!!!

Bravo to the Lebanese team (! Finally, happy news for the “land of the Cedars”! “Mabrouk”!!!

Here is the piece of good news in French in L’Orient Le Jour:

To conclude this brief post, here is the Mabrouk song from Bambi to the Champions!

4 thoughts on “Bravo Lebanon: Crowned winner of the 2022 Arab Basketball Championship for the first time ever!”

  1. Great news ! At least a good one ! It has been a while that we didn’t hear good and compelling news about our home town . Well done ?

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