Professor Ora Itkin is a talented pianist (if you do not believe Bambi, you can listen to her in the video at the end of this post!) and a music professor at the University of St. Thomas in Saint Paul (Minnesota, USA). “She graduated from the Russian Academy of Music (Moscow). She then emigrated to Israel and graduated from Tel-Aviv University as well as the Hebrew University of Jerusalem’s Rubin Academy of Music. Following her impressive academic training journey, her performing career blossomed. In addition to her academic career ( https://cas.stthomas.edu/departments/faculty/ora-itkin/) , she is an active soloist and chamber musician”.
Prior to their conversation entitled “The Unbearable Lightness of Post-Truth – in conversation with Dr. Rima Azar and Dr. Timothy Jackson“, Professor Ora Itkin was described by Dr. Jackson to Bambi with the following beautiful words: She is a thinker and a pianist whose name means “light” in Hebrew (this would be “Nour” in Arabic). Being a thinker in our current collectively insane times is a shining “ora” in the darkness. Thank you Ora (Itkin) for taking time off your very busy schedule to host your inspiring podcast show called “Openspace with Ora”. Bambi was honoured to be your guest!
Indeed, Bambi was even more delighted and honoured because Dr. Timothy Jackson, an American music theory professor of Canadian origins, recently featured on her blog (as you can see further below) was Ora’s co-guest (along with Bambi).
She hopes you will enjoy their enriching (and “three to tango“) chat!
Thank you for this discussion. I will never understand the fear of critical thinking – contrary thinking.
Bambi thanks you Wanda (Severns) for your kind words and especially for your very thoughtful comment.
Great to hear from you again Prof. Azar. I very much enjoyed watching your thought provoking conversations with Professors Itkin and Jackson. I’m just delighted to hear things are working out better now between you and Mount A. Kudos to your Union for the part they played in resolving all that. Keep on being you Prof. Azar, Your strength is an inspiration to us all in general and to your students in particular. Young minds need to know there are better ways to manage variances in thought and opinion than through the graceless mechanism of cancel culture goonery. “Is goonery a word ? Probably not.
Keep well
Trent Kenny
MANY thanks Trent for your kind and highly encouraging comment!! Welcome to you on this/”your” blog! Bambi is very grateful to her union, indeed. She would like to clarify though that her saga is not resolved yet (arbitration set for the spring). Your words in the last part of your comment about “young minds” and the “better ways of managing variances in thought and opinion” are full of wisdom. As far as “goonery” in concerned, well you taught Bambi a new English word. Thank you :)! You take good care too.
A wonderful conversation among three wonderful people
Many thanks, Achim. What an enriching and unforgettable conversation indeed (Bambi feels honoured, and even blessed, to have met the “wonderful” Ora and Tim). Bravo again and thanks to Ora for her podcast!