Bambi is too excited to wait for midnight for this post about January 17.
Plus, the family festivities (of course MUCH limited in the pandemic and circumstances) have just ended in Beirut :).
May Saint Anthony always protect Bambi’s dad who is her (and many others’) hero (further below, you can see an earlier post honouring him)!!
Without much words, Bambi will just say: I love you “Antonio” (love her mom too… OK and all our family too)). Bless you dad!
An now time for some music. First, here is a fun kid’s song for you with a simple yet powerful message (perhaps to which, we should add that, in addition to the languages mentioned in the song, your daughter has enjoyed all our games about the standard Arabic language). Of note, you were her first German teacher, in the shelter, when she was 15-16. Following this came the Goethe Institute (after that particularly long round of shelling ended). You kindly offered her your own first grammar book from Germany. She managed to bring to safety to Canada in 1990 with her. For this and for all, THANK you dad!
Second, of course we will conclude with a joyful song from Bambi, by Mr. Hicham el Hajj, recently highlighted on this blog (Yalla Nifrah or Let’s rejoice]. It is meant for you and for our dear relatives called variants of your name, with love. It is also meant for all the Tonys, Anthony, Antoine, and Antoinette of the world who will be perhaps reading this post one day [Nina, Bambi is thinking of Antoine now :)].
May everyone be safe, happy, and especially in touch with hope!

Lovely to honour your Dad while he lives [Bambi]… I’m sure he is so very proud of you … make sure you get him to write you a letter telling you about the day you were born! You will treasure it always…. Dad is one of the most beautiful words that exists…. miss my wonderful Dad so much… rest in my peace to my Dad – Terence Anthony, gone too soon at 75… I talk with him when I look at the terrific night stars over our beautiful little town.
Oh, how sweet of you to kindly take the time to honour Bambi’s dad and to say those beautiful words about this post. How adorable of your dad’s daughter to pay tribute to him on this blog. Bambi is honoured to also say: May your dad Terrence Anthony’s memory be eternal. He is surely proud too of his daughter who is sharing with us her love. This is so precious. To you and to him, Bambi will offer you Ms. Celine Dion’s song: “Parler à mon père”
May you always keep talking (“parler”) to your dad. May he keep inspiring you and your children (his grand-children) in so many ways!
Happy St. Anthony’s day as well from me to Bambi’s dad!
Many thanks Achim, he will appreciate it!
Happy name day God bless him ?❤️
Thanks Nicole! Bless your own (and our beloved :)) Tony too ??!!
Bonne fête à notre très cher Antoine qu’on aime beaucoup ❤️❤️ Que St Antoine le protège ainsi que sa formidable famille ????
Merci Maya d’amour :)! Que Dieu continue de te et vous protéger aussi ??!!