Mr. Frédéric Bastien: A lawyer, Mr. Aziz Hussain, compared Bill 21 to the Nürnberg Nazi laws… Mr. Trudeau rewarded him by naming him to the Superior Court of Québec

Here is Mr. Frédéric Bastien’s excellent article in French, thanks to him:

Here is a quick English translation, thanks to Bambi’s faithful friend, Mr. Google Translate:

How is this different from how the legal system, in corrupt countries like Lebanon, is influenced by powerful forces (i.e., Hezbollah and its allies)?

Should Canada consider changing the process of nomination of its provincial superior court judges to minimize Ottawa’s interference or could anything else be done?

In the case of the nation of Québec, if such political shenanigans do not stop, the Belle Province will have no choice but to re-activate its aspiration for independence.

What a loss for Canada… Mr. Trudeau, please preserve our unity!

3 thoughts on “Mr. Frédéric Bastien: A lawyer, Mr. Aziz Hussain, compared Bill 21 to the Nürnberg Nazi laws… Mr. Trudeau rewarded him by naming him to the Superior Court of Québec”

  1. To compare Bill 21 to the Nuremberg (Nürnberg) laws shows flawed reasoning. Or, to put it in clearer terms, it’s ridiculous. First of all, the Québec law has nothing to do with race at all, it deals with the display of religious symbols in the context of governmental and educational positions of authority. Noone is excluded from these positions based on race or religion. Secondly, it is limited to working hours. Everyone can do what they want in their private lives. The term racism is often used in a very sloppy manner, the same is true for Nazi comparisons. Definitions must be precise. Here is a link to an article which explains the Nuremberg laws. Anyone who still thinks the Québec law is comparable to Nazi legislation after having read this article, has a problem with logic. Or is just dishonest.

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