Hamas arms blast: The last thing Lebanon needs!


The Naharnet article above informs us, in English (+ a there is a video), that there are sadly several casualties and injuries in a camp called Al Bourj Al Shamali near Tyre in South Lebanon. It seems that several explosions took place. They resulted from a Hamas arms blast.

The l’Orient Le Jour article below informs us, in French, that this explosion is huge and it happened near a mosque (https://www.lorientlejour.com/article/1284398/des-victimes-dans-lexplosion-dun-entrepot-de-munitions-dans-le-camp-de-bourj-el-chemali.html).

What is Hamas doing in Lebanon? Please hands off this sinking country!

5 thoughts on “Hamas arms blast: The last thing Lebanon needs!”

  1. That’s again a sad story. Why do they need weapons in a refugee camp? If there are security problems, the Lebanese state should take care of it. This is Lebanese territory, so only the Lebanese police and military should be allowed to have weapons in my opinion.
    Mawtini is a beautiful song, full of longing for a better state of the homeland. Here is a different song about the homeland (Helwa ya Baladi), maybe from a more optimistic time. Bambi probably knows it, maybe from a different singer (here sung by Grace Deeb): https://youtu.be/hdo9mymOGng

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