Is there anything more angelic than Feirouz’ voice?

It is always fascinating how old songs come to our brains at unexpected times.

Yes, even deer with ugly voices sing all the time.

Tonight, Bambi heard herself singing a song that she has not heard for over three decades.

This song was composed by the Rahbani Brothers for Feirouz. It is entitled “La tehmelny La Tensany” (or “Do not ignore me, do not forget me“).

Well, is it a song or a prayer? Bambi forgot… Perhaps it is just Feirouz’ pure voice that makes it sound like a prayer?

Well, whatever it is, since it remains timely, Bambi will dedicate it to Lebanon (Fairouz’ beloved country).

If you are interested you can listen to it below. If you are curious about the meaning of the lyrics, Bambi managed to find a translation of the Arabic words in French and Turkish respectively ( No English… but thanks to her faithful friend Google Translate, here is a quick translation for you!

Don’t leave me (Don’t neglect me)
My house is yours, and I have no one
By dint of calling you,
Spaces get bigger (3)
I waited for you at my door, and all the doors
I wrote you about my pains
On the setting sun (3)
Don’t leave me, don’t forget me,
I only have you, don’t forget me (2)
My country has become an exile
The streets are covered with thorns and wild grasses
Send me tonight, someone to watch over me
My house is yours, and I have no one
By dint of calling you,
Spaces get bigger (3)
Don’t leave me, don’t forget me… Oh poor sunshine
From our land of fear we cry out… Oh sun of the poor
The days punished, the looks promised
I call you, until your voice enlightens me
My promise and my heart cry out for your voice in song

Don’t leave me, don’t forget me… Oh poor sunshine
From our land of fear we cry out.. Oh sun of the poor
I am a rose of your flowers, bless me, help me
With tears you plant me, with happiness you harvest me
You are overflowing with justice towards me, your generosity enlightens me
And if everyone forgets me, you are left alone not to forget me
I called you in my sadness, I knew you with me
The spaces widen and the earth kneels
Don’t leave me, don’t forget me… Oh poor sunshine
From our land of fear we cry out… Oh sun of the poor

6 thoughts on “Is there anything more angelic than Feirouz’ voice?”

  1. So beautiful and poetic, melancholic and still hopeful. There are prayerlike qualities to this song for sure, although they are a bit ambiguous. There remains a mystery. The haunting and beautiful voice of Feirouz adds to this impression.
    Yes, it’s almost equally mysterious why some old songs pop up in our minds in unexpected ways. And suddenly deer with voices they don’t deem especially beautiful themselves create a beautiful sound in the ears of the Heavenly One who can listen to the heart.

    1. Your words are very poetic, Achim. Vielen Dank/Thank you. Luckily, there is music in life (and all forms of artistic or creative expression). Bambi thinks that perhaps it is creativity that is increasingly missing in our world. By creativity, she means thinking for ourselves (not just blindly following this or that ideology, this or that movement, this or that faith, etc.– a bit like sheep, even if the latter are cute animals), questioning our own thoughts first, being open to others’ ideas or belief systems and expression of ideas or feelings. Just listening to ourselves and truly listening to others (all others). The Rahbani Brothers/Feiruz are among Lebanon’s cultural richness. Bambi also likes the song: “Atini el Nay wa Ghani” [Give me the flute and sing with me): (with English sub-titles).

      1. I agree so much to your sentiment regarding openness. And I’ll definitely listen to “Atini el nay wa ghani” ?

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