Bambi would like to thank her good friend who shared this very informative and thoughtful article:
Bravo and thank you to Mr. Jonathan Kay for his clever article!
Why are these people destroying our universities, and thus country, with destructive ideologies? Who is funding all this non-sense and made it our new orthodoxies? Can someone tell us, please?
Can we have our universities back, please?
Can we have our country back, please?
Enough is more than enough!
Its been interesting as an outsider of the campus culture to watch the steps taken tip-toe to totalitarianism in the past 11 years or so… best avoided are the Canadian university which I have contended are merely entry points for immigration of international students posing as places of learning… rich people move around the world freely. . . this is who they are serving, not the common man and common Canadian. Thanks for the article but I believe the purpose of the university is more accurately described here: https://www.civilianintelligencenetwork.ca/2019/04/22/soros-quiet-revolution-through-liberal-elite-higher-education-cesspools/ [ no offense to professors and educators but it would be good if you would acknowledge this reality sooner rather than later, alternative institutions should be set up by motivated types… why not Jordan Peterson with his considerable influence and massive wealth?]