First, according to BBC, “the Swedish climate activist, Greta Thunberg, used her speech at the Youth4Climate conference in Milan to mock the words of world leaders, including UK PM Boris Johnson“.
Second, here is the speech in question by Ms. Thunberg who is an adult now (she turned 18, it seems. Yes, time flies fast in life…):
Second, while listening to the above video, Bambi imagined this speech as being rather written for Lebanon :). It applies so well from its start to its end. We can simply replace “climate justice” by “JUSTICE”. Yes, justice that is lacking at all levels right now: financially, economically, military/security, sanitary, and of course environmentally! The word “blahblahblah” would apply so perfectly. No need to replace it.
Well, given this, can Ms. Thunberg take a boat from Italy to Lebanon (since she does not like to fly) and repeat her speech there, please… Yes, PLEASE? Perhaps she can deliver this same speech in front of the Palais de justice of Beirut (regarding its blast) or regarding the ponzi scheme in the banking sector, which impoverished so many kids and their families all at once?
Third, after reading the related media articles on youth walking in the streets of Milano, Bambi could not help not to wonder the following: What makes our youth so diligently passionate about the cause of climate change? You may wish to see pictures in these two media articles, one in Italian and the other in French:
With all due respect to wisdom in younger generations, many youth have trouble seeing beyond the tip of their nose when they are going through adolescence. Thus, it is particularly fascinating for Bambi to see these young people so focused on the topic of climate change like that. Indeed, they even have remained passionate despite a two-year-pause of demonstrations because of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Yes, Bambi is curious. What makes youth so focused on this and not on other crying problems in our world? In other terms, and just as some examples, why this and why not the wellness of elderly people or mental health or gender inequality in some parts of the world or child poverty, etc.? Could (social) conformity be a significant motivating factor?
Anyhow, to conclude this post and regardless of the underlying motivation, thanks to our youth for being passionate about important topics, including climate change. Best wishes to our planet earth!