With a VERY heavy heart, Bambi is dedicating this post to honour you Pat (Belliveau).
First and foremost, Bambi would like to extend her heartfelt condolences to your loved ones: family (daughter and son, along wit their families, including your beloved grand-children as well as all your relatives), good friends (Bambi is thinking of all of them, one by one, including… and especially you Stephen), neighbours, former colleagues, Rotary club folks, friends across Canada and even in the world (including Africa). We are all in disbelief today. We are all one heart, one thought (prayer), one tear with your family.
Pat, it is hard for Bambi to write about you in the past tense because you will always be present with us. Yes, you will even when a new chapter of life in Sackville is starting without you physically among us.
What usually makes a place what it is is its people… and God knows how much you contributed to make Sackville, and the world, a better place Pat.

This picture was taken in Sackville, NB, by a fellow resident who will miss seeing Patricia in our town… Thank you Sally for kindly sharing it
Indeed, Bambi does not know from where to start to pay tribute to your heart, shining smile, authentically generous and giving self, along with your contagious joie de vivre. You were simply like a happy sunshine during the day and a moonlight of sweetness in the eves.
Talking about evenings, Bambi is thinking of our get-together at Ducky’s pub in town, both for real in this lovely place and in our own pandemic’s “Virtual Ducky’s” :). We will miss your pizzas, literally baked in front of our eyes and your dog Sadie (who surely misses you dearly!). Most importantly, we will ALL miss you… ouf :(, including “Oscar“, the plush toy (hope you are smiling from heaven now :).

Pat, for some reason, you were notoriously known as “Patty Kakes” (count on Bambi to investigate why again :)) You were full of life… and you lived your life SO fully!
You also devoted your energy to support those in need of dignity and love. For instance, in addition to your work within your local Rotary Club, you volunteered your time, over many months, at an orphanage in South Africa in 2018. Bambi was honoured to be added by you on your mailing list for updates from your enriching journey abroad. You have inspired her, and many of your friends, with your enthusiasm and compassion as well as your social entrepreneurship (i.e. successfully fundraising your trip). Thank you!
Before you left and upon your return to “your favourite country in the world“, you enriched Bambi’s Mount A Breakfast Chat‘s with your regular annual presence and participation. Thank you!
A couple of years earlier, Bambi and her spouse where honoured to have you over once to say good-bye to a beloved common younger friend. Thank you/Dank u well!
A few years earlier, our whole town (including Bambi and her spouse) benefited from your smile and amazing service at Canada’s local post office. Thank you!
Recently, Bambi saw you at the Elections Canada where you devoted LONG hours (along with your/our good friend Gayle) and peers. You were the first staff who greeted Bambi and her spouse at the door. Bami had the chance to thank you by email at the end of the elections. She will say thanks/merci again!
Bambi feels sorry because she did not have the time to act on her wish of emailing you her Thanksgiving Thank you post yet :(. She hopes you read it by any chance… (shown at the end of this post).
Today, and just to illustrate to her readers, how BIG your heart was, Bambi will allow herself to share a screenshot from your Facebook that our common (virtual and real) Ducky’s friend Tammy Savoie showed her. Tears came to Bambi’s eyes, as you can imagine, when she read it for the first time (as she is not on social media). Thank you for thinking of her family in Beirut!! ❤️ You may perhaps have read Bambi’s latest posts then or perhaps heard the news from the media. It is Bambi’s hope that you saw her own post of Thanksgiving… Perhaps you did in the end? If not, Bambi will say thanks once again for your humanity and care!

To conclude this post, it is hard to say good-bye when we did not have the chance to do so in life. However, one gesture of love from you to Bambi will forever remain in her mind. The incident happened in front of the Painted Pony, precisely in the parking lot. Bambi and her spouse were heading to Ducky’s. Same for you. It was our real get-together after a long lockdown and after months of public health messages about social distancing. Patty asked Bambi if she can give her a hug and Bambi replied: Of course and we did it. This may have been your own way of showing kindness and solidarity with Bambi. This hug is a comforting memory today… You have been a smile, a hug, an extended hand and just a good friend to so many of us Pat. For that, another word comes to Bambi’s mind like a mantra: Thank you for being who you have been. Rest and fly in peace Dearest Pat. May your memory be eternal!!

Patricia was so good natured and kind.. I saw her most recently welcoming voters at the Advance Polls for the last election at Tantramar Veterans Arena .. it was so nice to see her smiling face again in town – she was always cheerful and she will be missed. Thanks for your thoughtful acknowledgement of her life xo Pleased to photograph Patricia a few times for the “Beautiful People in New Brunswick” indie photo project I started in 2011. Upon arriving on Christmas Day to the frozen pond to skate with other folks we discovered Patricia shovelling snow away and creating skating trails for the public to enjoy… she told me she didn’t skate but she enjoyed working on the snow clearing.. such a generous thing to do.. I think that is how she lived her life – concerned with serving others and improving life for people in Sackville with those small almost undetected acts of kindness. Please see the blog for the photography of dear Patricia. Condolences to her family and close friends… I know they must be missing her with heavy hearts.
Many thanks Sally for your kind words and for sharing those beautiful memories of Pat (or Patricia). Her family and friends will appreciate it, Bambi is sure. I will check the pictures you are talking about (thank you). Bambi sends you her heartfelt condolences… You take good care, you and your family.
Bambi will add the beautiful picture of Dearest Pat Belliveau to this post. MANY thanks Sally again for sharing it (sweet initiative, by the way)!
Ohh wow thank you Bambi from the bottom of my heart. This is a beautiful tribute to an amazing soul.
Patty Cakes will be remembered fondly by many friends and family. She was full of piss and vinegar and pure sunshine wherever she went. Pat we miss you.
Thanks to you and take good care, Tammy.