Bambi would like to offer this cute (and clever) French song by Gavroche (https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gavroche_(musique)) to all the hypocrites of the world. OK she means the genuine people who fall for them rather, sometimes sadly repeatedly. These hypocrites may be anyone, including politicians, family members, so-called friends, mere strangers, etc.
Talking about politicians, Bambi has someone in mind to whom she dedicates this song now. A double hint: he can understand the language and no relation to Lebanon. Well, if you can guess whom, and you wish, you might win a personalized surprise-song in one of Bambi’s forthcoming posts :).
Yes, Bambi is capable of joking because in reality she is not surprised like perhaps other Canadians. In her mind, past behaviour is usually the best predictor of future one in life. However, the recent story/saga in the media is VERY far from being funny. Without getting into more details (no need to in this post), it is actually quite sad :(… May the memory of all those who have been honoured recently be eternal. May those who took time to rest be refreshed enough to focus on their work now. May they also learn a lesson of increased humility and sincerity.