This video shows us a journalist, called Mr. David Menzies (from Rebel News), asking tough yet relevant questions to a Conservative candidate in Thornhill (ON). Check what happens next…
Perhaps this candidate is highly competent (truly chosen by her party for her competence and potential)? If not, perhaps she will still be most competent, despite other political calculations behind her nomination?
Perhaps she truly felt unsafe by the direct questions, especially the last one?
Perhaps she is not the one who called the police, but rather her apparently unprofessional team (to say the least, after watching the video)?
Regardless of all the above, what happened is totally unacceptable!
Indeed, Mr. Menzies was mistreated: he was knocked on the head, he said. In addition, we saw water thrown at him. The police arrested it him like a criminal for 10 hours. Of note, a staff took pictures of his notebook.
He has been accused of using homophobic words (given the sexual orientation of the candidate, if Bambi understood the story well). The politician made a public statement about how she felt unsafe, and her boss (future one?), the Leader of the Conservative Party, Mr. Erin O’Toole tweeted about how his party is the only one fighting for free speech. Is the latter a (bad) joke given this incident?
Luckily Mr. Menzies will get a good legal defence. As usual, he has the support of his caring boss, Mr. Ezra Levant.
Whether you like Rebel News/Mr. Menzies or not, do you find it democratic, civilized, and morally acceptable to treat a journalist like that?
Why are we becoming increasingly intolerant to that extent in Canada?