USA: Happy Independence Day

Last summer, Bambi’s post honoured one of her childhood friends who runs an annual marathon for her country in which she is famous for her jump at the final destination :):

This year, if she may, Bambi will share an older message in Arabic from the Ambassador of the USA in Lebanon (July 4th, 2020): “Like the Lebanese people, we are resistant. We face challenges in a direct way. We keep growing, adjusting, and learning” (by Ms. Dorothy Shea who remains the US Ambassador in Beirut).

Finally, to conclude this post on a joyful musical note, here is a French song from Bambi to all her American friends and relatives (hello if you are reading now :)). This song, by Mr. Joe Dassin (, is entitled l’Amérique. Well, you may notice or know that l’Amérique is Yellow River, which was written by Mr. Elton John and turned into a worldwide hit by a British band, called Christie.

Best Wishes to the USA and… Happy 4th of July ?!

4 thoughts on “USA: Happy Independence Day”

    1. Thank you Dearest Fred, but no vacation for Bambi since December 2019! She is just catching up on changing winter tires (yes, a little late!), regular medical check-ups in different provinces (yes, late!), and taking this trip opportunity to see friends, after 1 and 2 years respectively! Vive l’amitié et vive les moments de plaisir dans la vie qui sont des mini-vacances tout aussi précieux que de vraies longues vacances :)!

  1. As someone whose roots go back to Jamestown in the USA, indentured servitude and “The Great Migration” and half American/Canadian, immigration nation-states. You know you are an American (Canadian, Australian, etc…) when your ancestors got kicked out of some of the best countries in The World !

    We’re Mutants – Stripes (7/8) Movie CLIP (1981) HD

    Sincerely, Demian Virgil Hammock & Happy 4th July

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