Last summer, Bambi’s post honoured one of her childhood friends who runs an annual marathon for her country in which she is famous for her jump at the final destination :):
This year, if she may, Bambi will share an older message in Arabic from the Ambassador of the USA in Lebanon (July 4th, 2020): “Like the Lebanese people, we are resistant. We face challenges in a direct way. We keep growing, adjusting, and learning” (by Ms. Dorothy Shea who remains the US Ambassador in Beirut).

Finally, to conclude this post on a joyful musical note, here is a French song from Bambi to all her American friends and relatives (hello if you are reading now :)). This song, by Mr. Joe Dassin (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_Dassin), is entitled l’Amérique. Well, you may notice or know that l’Amérique is Yellow River, which was written by Mr. Elton John and turned into a worldwide hit by a British band, called Christie.
Best Wishes to the USA and… Happy 4th of July ?!
Bonnes vacances Bambi… it seems 🙂
Thank you Dearest Fred, but no vacation for Bambi since December 2019! She is just catching up on changing winter tires (yes, a little late!), regular medical check-ups in different provinces (yes, late!), and taking this trip opportunity to see friends, after 1 and 2 years respectively! Vive l’amitié et vive les moments de plaisir dans la vie qui sont des mini-vacances tout aussi précieux que de vraies longues vacances :)!
As someone whose roots go back to Jamestown in the USA, indentured servitude and “The Great Migration” and half American/Canadian, immigration nation-states. You know you are an American (Canadian, Australian, etc…) when your ancestors got kicked out of some of the best countries in The World !
We’re Mutants – Stripes (7/8) Movie CLIP (1981) HD
Sincerely, Demian Virgil Hammock & Happy 4th July
Thank you for sharing. Eager to listen. Until then, Happy July 4th, Demian, from Bambi :)!