Mmm, why did the Bloc Québécois, along with the Liberal Party of Canada and the NDP, vote down “Bill-C10 amendment that would exempt social media content from regulation”, as per the National Post?
Why does Mr. Blanchet’s Bloc Québécois (BQ) consider that Canadian or French content would matter more than a risk of censorship?
With regard to Bill 96 on the protection of the French language, Ms. Jody Wilson-Raybould saw partisanship of our federal political parties with the BQ asking to amend the Canadian constitution (i.e., Québec is a nation and French is its language).
Does she or do you see any partisanship of both the BQ and NDP with the Liberals with regard to Bill C-10?
Despite Mr. Blanchet’s articulate press conference about this proposed bill (and compassionate answers to other questions from the journalists), and as a non-expert citizen, Bambi still sees the risk of censorship on social media and questions the need for this bill. She is saying so, even if Mr. Blanchet may be right in pointing to the competitive attitude of both the Liberals and the Conservatives toward each other (with regard to this bill), to use his own words.
To begin with, why don’t our lawmakers listen to the expertise of the University of Ottawa law professor, Dr. Michael Geist (https://commonlaw.uottawa.ca/en/people/geist-michael)? As reported by the National Post article cited above, Geist once wrote one his own platform: “The CRTC’s lack of competence and dismissal of competitive concerns combined with the government’s willingness to vest the future of Internet regulation in its hands creates perhaps the greatest threat arising from Bill C-10”.
Last but not least, why would any government of any democratic country in the world want to regulate (OR control) social media? And why would citizens accept this or do they really do so, if they were not consulted about it (of course, assuming consultations are genuine, etc.), Bambi cannot help not to wonder?
Without any clear answer, she remains concerned about this proposed Bill C-10 or at least its possible use in the future. She is saying so, despite her utmost respect for Mr. Blanchet, along with her gratitude for ALL our lawmakers’ hard work related to the proposed Bill C-10.