Bambi thanks you Dr. Mark Mercer for publicly and vocally standing up for Dr. Rima Azar!!! She thanks the Society for Academic Freedom and Scholarship from the bottom of her heart!!
Bravo and thanks to The Epoch Times for standing up for academic freedom and free expression!!!
What kind of universities and societies we want for ourselves, for our children, and grand-children? Why this intolerance of different opinions in our beautiful campuses and country? Why are we doing this to our universities and societies? Why can’t we exchange ideas and enjoy debating them anymore? Why aren’t we allowed to freely think and write anymore? For God’s sake, this is supposed to be a place of higher education, learning, and of discovery!
Make no mistake: Today, it is Dr. Rima Azar who is the target of a cancel culture (since February 22, 2021). Tomorrow, it can be anyone of you/us anywhere, not just at Mount Allison University.
If you cannot read the above article, you may wish to check the PDF file below. You may also wish to keep a copy of it. Food for thought :)!
I just watched your interview with Jordan Peterson. Thank you both for your courage and commitment to the truth. I pray for you as you face this insanity and know that you will prevail. As you are aware, this is not only a problem in Canada, but is a major problem in the United States. My husband and I are considering moving out of the United States, but, other than Canada, where would we possibly go?
MANY thanks Ms. Heise (or Sherri) for taking the time to write to Bambi to express your support! Your kind words mean the world to Bambi/Rima! Indeed, Bambi is grateful for your prayer. In her turn, she sends you a prayer back with lots of positive vibes to feel free again in your great country (our Dear neighbour :))– with its historically inspiring value of freedom to so many nations in the world, including Bambi’s adoptive (Canada) as well as birth country (Lebanon). May those dark clouds (of collective insanity) know how to pass and may the light of freedom shine again on all the citizens, including your family. If you ever decide to move out (for a while or for longer), all the best to you and you spouse!! As your comment was meant for a more recent post about this interview, Bambi will copy paste it there as well. Take good care, please.
Thank you Dr Azar. I as Ms. Heise, just saw your interview with Jordan Peterson. We need more beautiful souls like yours. These kids are being brainwashed by Marxist teachers who have victim mentality. The shame is not yours. It belongs to a society who has been complacent with corruptions, buildings getting blown up and the murder of citizens with no accountability. Mainly, the absence of God and ethical and decent behavior. I want to hug you. I know how lonely it feels. You are not alone. Sending support and admiration from the US. May God place his hedge of protection around you. You are an inspiration. You hit the nail on the head when you made the analogy of Scapegoat. Every good narcist needs one. Be well. T
MANY thanks Ms. Lou (or Terri) for your kind words and for the hug too! Both Bambi/Rima are honoured by and grateful for your time listening to this interview with Dr. Peterson and for your public support! You take good care, please.
Dear Professor, I listened to your story and experience on the Jordan Peterson podcast. I live in the “South” of the U.S., and I have observed over the recent past that your experience is not an outlier. Indeed, it is ubiquitous, and not only in academia, as Mr. Peterson was concerned. It is in full force and application already throughout society. The HR manager at the small company where I work sent an email to all employees last year that the company was monitoring its employees’ personal social media accounts, which were totally unaffiliated with the company just like your blog, and threatened any employee with termination for making any comment the company disagreed with, but specifically “all lives matter,” hardly a controversial or threatening statement, at least several years ago. Based on this, I don’t have the courage to provide my real name on this post. The chilling effect of cancel culture is now universal, when it can touch a small company – less than 50 employees – that warned everyone to refrain from making comments the company would find inappropriate under threat of termination and directing the employees to “educate yourselves accordingly.” This last part, think or at least speak like we demand that you think – or else- was and remains chilling and profound. Predictably, not one employee commented in response for fear of termination. I don’t dare post any thought on social media that might challenge the orthodoxy that might justify my termination for speaking my mind. We are living in a dystopian nightmare where people are terrified to speak out against certain ideologies for fear of their personal, social, and financial ruin simply for speaking their minds. Quoting Martin Luther King these days is grounds for termination. Invoking or advocating the principles of classical liberalism such as meritocracy and equality of opportunity against ideologies such as identity politics now serve as justification to lose your job arbitrarily. I’m sorry for your experience, indeed a tragedy, but the larger tragedy is that your experience is not in any way unique, as millions of people now fear the same might happen to them. I felt compelled to send you this letter of support, but even typing this letter gave me great pause and concern that I might face ramifications for merely supporting you. I reconsidered whether to “press send” several times. Not because I’m “racist” (of course the disclaimer that needs to be uttered), as I attended BLM forums and protests after the George Floyd killing, but because I’m afraid that the sum of one’s parts simply won’t matter in the litmus test of the puritanical movement controlling so many of our institutions. In the end, I decided to press send so that you could please know that there are not thousands, but millions of people who think that the cancel culture and cultural Marxism of identity politics is an abomination, and can only end in violence and tragedy. I have three small children, they love everyone, and they don’t put people into boxes like the adults who have attacked you and drive the false narrative that where you were born and your DNA define you. I will never agree to such nonsense. I hope your position and salary are restored and that you are fully vindicated for speaking your mind on this blog or elsewhere, whatever your thoughts might be. Please carry on the fight against this oppression, as I hope and expect you will prevail.
MANY thanks Kojak for your very thoughtful, courageous, and kind comment. For some reason, Bambi did not see it hidden among all the comments (apologies to you :(). She is happy to post it now! She will copy/paste it under the post about the interview with Dr. Peterson. Bambi sends her warm regards to you and to your family. She hope your three small children are enjoying the summer :). Once again, thank you for your heart-warming support. May common sense, tolerance, unity, and love prevail in our beautiful countries. You take good care please.
I feel like my mental health has suffered over the past year or so due to the fact that I work in higher education and the over-the-top PC culture has turned me away from the left. I’ve been a progressive person my whole life but I am struggling with what is being pushed down our throats while working in academia in Canada. What is happening and has happened to Dr. Azar is scary and we should all be alarmed.
Thank you Stacy for taking the time to post your thoughtful comment. Kind regards to you from Bambi (+ Rima too).
Would you consider starting a Go Fund Me to assist with your living/legal expenses? I would gladly donate! You are a brave hero.
Thank you Rick for your very kind words and for your generosity. Bambi appreciates your support! FYI, and if you are interested in contributing or in circulating in your circle, there is already a Go Fund Me campaign meant to raise funds for Bambi’s personal defence fund: https://gofund.me/54dd5c8b . Many thanks again.
I agree with JBP, your colleagues ought to hang their heads in shame. As he also commented, aggressive action is suitable in this dire situation. This is a wildfire spreading from university to university to culture and politics and from country to country. Interesting fact; China has adopted the propaganda of the far left campus social justice warriors when critizicing the west. A good question one might ask is why that is. Does China agree with the propaganda? Of course not, they see how divisive this ideology/religion is. It is so destructive that China uses it to its enemies demise. That fact ought to send chills through anyones spine.
Thank you Gustav for your comment… It is indeed very sad to see divisiveness in our communities/societies/countries to that extent.
I have just finished listening to your conversation with Dr. Jordan B. Peterson on his podcast. I am devastated to learn about what happened to you at your university. Both you and Dr. Peterson show great courage in having this conversation on the platform that he can offer. I commend you both for having having the morals and integrity to stand up in the face of evil and power. Please know that you have the full support of this Canadian citizen and you have my wish for your future success in this battle to prove your innocence.
FYI, Bambi posted your kind comment under her new post on this topic and replied to you Michelle (Barnes). Many thanks again for the support!
Just listened to your interview with JP. Well done, you are a brave soul! It can be daunting standing up to woke people but it’s the right thing to do. You have my admiration, gratitude and respect.
Euan Easson
Bambi/Rima thanks you Euan (Easson) for your kind words!
Best of luck and bravo to you for standing up.
I was in the Canadian post secondary environment for several years. I left bewildered as to where things were going.
This confirms to me that it has gone from unhealthily bad to a scary dystopia.
Many thanks Pen for your support and best wishes from Bambi!
It would be nice if the French press also published an article in French like the National Post or other outlets have done so that francophones may be fully informed.
Thanks Fred. There has actually been a radio show by Mr. Richard Martineau from QUB radio and another journalist (Bambi will take the time to post its link so you can hear it– since you are fully bilingual).
“In a memo sent to faculty, staff and students on Tuesday, Mount Allison’s communications director Robert Hiscock said that ‘[o]ver the past two months, an independent investigator has reviewed complaints from students alleging discriminatory conduct, stemming from blog posts and student interactions.’ However, he said that the findings remain confidential and cannot be discussed. Azar should consider sending a letter asking for the full report to be made public and waiving the right to confidentiality. Otherwise, her reputation will continue to be attacked without any ability to address the allegations in public fully and transparently” – https://jonathanturley.org/2021/05/10/mount-allison-university-professor-suspended-for-denying-canada-is-a-racist-county-and-criticizing-blm/.
Has Dr. Azar thought of making this request, Bambi? Mount Allison University relies on public funding, and Canadian citizens have a right to know that it is not subjecting its faculty to star chamber processes!
[Dr. Bambi],
Our God-given freedoms (including our freedom to speak) can never be relinquished to those who would dare take them. God Bless you and… in the words of Winston Churchill: “…Never give in, never give in, never, never, never, never-in nothing, great or small, large or petty — never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense.” Many of us out here raise our voices LOUDLY in full support of you.
MANY thanks for your support, Mr. Urbik et al. Both Bambi and Dr. Azar are grateful!
Excellent article, Bambi!
there is also a great commentary in today’s Times & Transcript by Jonathan Kay (I can’t access it electronically). Keep it up!
Thank you so much Dr. Baerlocher! Your support means the world to me. As for Mr. Jonathan Kay, Bambi will forever be grateful for his first article (she is eager to read this one :))!!