First, here is the tweet in question:

Second, here is what comes to Bambi’s mind whilst reading it ?:
“Ending the pandemic” = please Mr. Trudeau, work harder and faster, to secure more vaccines, like the other smaller yet more efficient countries and like the USA.Thank you!
“Fighting climate change” = You probably meant taxing Canadians more (your increasing carbon-tax and, by the way, did you remember to advocate for the pipeline that Mr. Biden seems to be in a rush to kill? Thanks if you did so, as Canadians’ jobs are at stake, even if some Canadians are happy about this decision, as expressed by Ms. Annamie Paul (Green party) and Mr. Blanchet (BQ).
Note that Mr. Blanchet’s message sounds more moderate or wiser, as it includes “compassionate” words for Canadians from Alberta and Saskatchewan and the “energetic transition”, to use his own words:

“Growing the middle class” = Mmm, the public debt pre-, during, and surely post-pandemic that you have been dramatically increasing will eventually kill the middle class in your country, Mr. Trudeau.
“Creating good jobs for people on both sides of the border” = what does that mean Mr. Trudeau? And why should we destroy people’s current (bad?) jobs in order to create “good” ones for them? Plus, what do you mean by “good” jobs? Bambi thought that all jobs are good and necessary in life. Not having a job is the worst outcome for people.
Finally, here is the CTV News article about the pandemic:
The interview is excellent (physician, journalist), but the start of the text is ridiculous, to say the least. Indeed, the first sentence reads as follows:
“After analysis of mobile phone data revealed more than a million Canadians – the majority of whom were white and wealthy – travelled overnight during the holiday season, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said anyone with a trip still planned should “cancel it.”
Mmm, how can mobile phone data tell us if someone’s skin colour is white ?? And how does this analysis tell us how much money they earn or have in their bank account?
In all honesty, do you also see the mediocrity of our times of collective insanity?
Bambi misses our high-calibre journalists. Luckily, we still have a few independent thinkers left (whether we agree with them or not), but they are getting as rare as our available doses of vaccines so far.
Mind you, she also misses reading about or hearing from high-calibre world leaders. Where are they? Do they still exist in life?