The Canadian mining industry is going woke: Could Canada still be saved from silly ideologies, or is it too late?

Every now and then, Bambi spends time searching the internet for new updates on the degradation of the situation in Canada.

She finds it particularly worrisome when one of our major sectors of the economy, and not one usually known for political correctness, is becoming illuminated (or woke):

We are talking about a sector that contributes about $110 billion to our national gross domestic product (or GDP).

In other terms, this sector is neither about our federal government’s institutions, nor about a bunch of young activists still idealistic and easily influenced by trendy movements.

Anyhow, below you can find the official statement by the Mining Association of Canada about its commitment to the so-called “Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion”.

To conclude this post, using the statement’s own words, who can be for “inequity, discrimination and hatred in all its forms”? Are you for it yourself? Of course not. Neither is Bambi.

This is of course noble in and by itself, but why does this mining sector of Canada feel the need to endorse such statements and pledges?

Is it being forced by our government? Or is it simply afraid of not being perceived as being a follower of trends (like other people in our society)? Or is it under pressure from radical or interest groups?

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